


    Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:01:09 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark You know, they make pills for that sort of thing...

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:01:51 UTC from web
      1. @colfax Looking at the side effects of my current pills, I'd say I'm already on them.

        Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:03:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark But if the conversation could be moved out of the public feed, then everyone (or most ponies) would be okay with that.

          Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:04:43 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle Ask them to go to Private, there is a DM feature here for that very reason.

            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:05:16 UTC from web
            1. @mrdragon I think that's the best option.

              Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:06:17 UTC from web
              1. @drewdle It's really the only option.

                Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:06:51 UTC from web
            2. @mrdragon I suggested that, as you recall, and I'm pretty sure I got called a prick for it.

              Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:06:44 UTC from web
              1. @colfax Yes, you did. On more then one occasion.

                Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:07:12 UTC from web
                1. @mrdragon Once by you, unless I misinterpreted your comment.

                  Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:08:01 UTC from web
                  1. @colfax I at the end just said what everypony else was saying in a more clear and understandable way. Which was ignored. Like I thought anything else was going to happen

                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:09:08 UTC from web
                    1. @mrdragon Well, like I said before, if it happens again I'm not going to be as patient, it's one warning and then the sandbox till things cool off.

                      Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:12:44 UTC from web
          2. @drewdle @mrdragon Which is curious, because often they discuss private matters that way.

            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:06:30 UTC from web
          3. @drewdle There's a tool for that. It's called "actually listening to the what at this stage must be hundreds of requests that you do that" DM's, offsite, whatever. Almost ALL the drama on this site stems from people insisting on conducting personal (in this case DEEPLY) personal business in public.

            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:07:37 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @ceruleanspark Well, if it's like that for more than four hours, take pics and send them to @jinny.

          Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:05:57 UTC from web
          1. @colfax Hehe, thank for singling me out there dear. ;)

            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:07:53 UTC from web
    2. @mrdragon Seems like an entirely reasonable standpoint TBH.

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:14:17 UTC from TTYtter
    3. @mrdragon Some people just don't want to be helped, "None are so blind as those that refuse to see".

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:14:36 UTC from web
      1. @colfax If you ask for help, in the PUBLIC area. And you don't accept the help but instead flame and rage against it. Then you get what you deserve in the end. I'm not standing up against it anymore. If it happens again, end of that.

        Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:15:43 UTC from web
        1. @mrdragon Hells, when I first started coming here I wasn't even looking for help, I was just complaining about stuff and got help I wasn't even expecting from a complete stranger, and for that I'm infinitely grateful.

          Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:18:13 UTC from web
          1. @colfax And you accepted it, instead of fighting back against it.

            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:19:08 UTC from web
        2. @mrdragon yea i really should talk to her about her anger issues.

          Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:18:58 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @mrdragon yea and i dont blame you! if i were a mod. i would have silenced her as well. i dont care if we are dating, rules are rules

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:21:29 UTC from web