

  1. Posey... Could someone help me find out how this is humorable so that I may take my place in the "Posey" Or perhaps could we lighten up on the posey a little?

    Monday, 31-Oct-11 17:25:16 UTC from web
    1. @optimus You're over thinking it.

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 17:25:44 UTC from web
    2. @optimus Well, it starts with mid-term induced sleep deprivation, then mix in some caffeine and ponies...

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 17:26:33 UTC from web
      1. @eaglehooves I like the pony part.

        Monday, 31-Oct-11 17:27:21 UTC from web
    3. @optimus Posey was a G1 pony in wich Flutteshy was inspired. She had the same desing, but she was an earth pony. So the guy raged in all caps about that, stating that it was not fluttershy, but instead posey with wings.

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 17:27:43 UTC from web
      1. @sirnerthosthemanlyman Ah, I see now.

        Monday, 31-Oct-11 17:29:04 UTC from web