

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @galaxy H-O-T I want a Big Mac to cuddle.

      Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:44:48 UTC from web
      1. @jinny Hopefully, this means Big Mac will get his own toy soon. :D

        Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:49:21 UTC from web
        1. @galaxy Yes, I hope so too hehe. ^^

          Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:53:43 UTC from web
    2. @galaxy Wonder when Toys-r-us will release that as a boxed set like the first run of blind bag ponies.

      Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:45:53 UTC from web
      1. @colfax No idea, these guys were found on Taobao.

        Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:50:45 UTC from web
    3. @galaxy I will get more excited when they give Fluttershy a her own mold.

      Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:46:17 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin We got a good comic or two out of that at least.

        Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:48:46 UTC from web
    4. @galaxy DO WANT!

      Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 17:47:10 UTC from web
    5. @galaxy The little dude pony heads make me think of camels, but it's cool they exist (and that Tinker's getting some already; Yaaaay.). If only they'd make a Fluttershy that wasn't just a RD repaint...

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 02:24:01 UTC from web