

  1. The real reason I will never become an RDN moderator is not my frequent disregard for the rules, or my total lack of respect for the administrative staff. It isn't even because I've never seriously asked: It's because I actually visit the site and care about the userbase.

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 08:58:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark So, the moderators do not like the site nor the people using it?

      Friday, 04-Nov-11 08:59:09 UTC from web
      1. @optimus Aside from MrDragon and Hagan, yeah, that's kind of the impression I get. RedEnchilada cares, but barely seems to exercise his mod powers.

        Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:00:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark That is kind of odd, I always thought they were looking out for us.

          Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:01:49 UTC from web
          1. @optimus I've literally never seen half of the alleged staff. One of the ones I do see has admitted that he'd rather not ever actually use his powers because it'd make him unpopular, and Colfax seems to take pride in being deliberately abrasive. (Though at least he actually functions well as a mod)

            Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:03:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @ceruleanspark So they, either become Power mad and use their mod powers as they see fit, or they barely acknowledge that they are mods?

              Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:05:32 UTC from web
              1. @optimus I think some of them view "becoming a mod" as basically having "won" RDN and just leave because they've finished the game.

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:07:37 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @ceruleanspark What a love of power these pathetic people have, they become corrupt by their own power, or they leave the power alone and stay with their group, it is an easy choice for me.

                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:09:46 UTC from web
                  1. @optimus Well, I think the fact that the only feedback they get from management is negative probably helps accelerate the depletion of their cherries levels. Also I suspect hearing the phrase "we're too busy" from them all the time (when they're not being totally blanked) probably doesn't help.

                    Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:11:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @ceruleanspark Well, that is just an idiotic use of their power, they should listen to what the people have to say.

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:12:55 UTC from web
                      1. @optimus Or at least delegate autonomous authority to a demi-admin who can set site policy and do stuff like swap out logos and fix things like corrupted groups by editing the DB. There are dozens of users with the skills required to do this, who'd happily do it for free. (Heck, MrDragon ALREADY does this for the forum AND he's a mod here. He's also trustworthy and one of the best mods. Why NOT him?)

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:17:17 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @ceruleanspark Perhaps they are too blinded to see their own folly as a moderator group, they will eventually have to listen to people and when the time comes they more then likely wont be very happy to see what people have to say, It is disgusting to even think that they ignore the peoples cries for help on the website they are suppose to protect but instead ignore it.

                          Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:20:30 UTC from web
                          1. @optimus Well, in the end, they'll get the community they want: A dead one. That's why I'm mad.

                            Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:21:24 UTC from TTYtter
                            1. @ceruleanspark And then the people will scatter and be lost, I have already experienced this once before, it was not fun.

                              Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:22:39 UTC from web
                              1. @optimus Yeah, I'd like to avoid it. That's why I'm so adamant that we need better policy and handling.

                                Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:25:46 UTC from TTYtter
                                1. @ceruleanspark Maybe the mods should delete each other and then more people who actually care can take their place, but I would not even know if that is possible I have never been a mod before.

                                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:27:26 UTC from web
                    2. @ceruleanspark Most feedback received for any work is negative, but that's the best feedback we can get because it shows us where to improve. (I learned that the other day.)

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 09:13:07 UTC from web