

  1. From a coworker's comments on bronies in the Wall Street Journal: 'Can you imagine if a bunch of WSJ [readers] did an "Occupy BroNYCon"?'

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 17:07:50 UTC from web
    1. @purpletinker Hey, so long as they pay like everyone else...

      Friday, 04-Nov-11 17:08:49 UTC from web
    2. @purpletinker From the comments, I could imagine somebody using BroNYCon to protest the sissification of America. It would be hilarious.

      Friday, 04-Nov-11 17:22:01 UTC from web
    3. @purpletinker If they did, I'd want video.

      Friday, 04-Nov-11 17:23:01 UTC from web