

  1. So how does this work, should I to an admin when I moderate a user, or what?

    Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:20:51 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark If you silence, sandbox, or delete someone not a spammer, yeah, a heads-up would be nice, just DM one of us or drop a dash in the timeline..

      Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:22:46 UTC from web
      1. @colfax and for individual posts that break the rules, just kill on sight?

        Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:23:40 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark Warn the user then kill with fire, yeah.

          Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:24:21 UTC from web
          1. @colfax Would it be worth instituing a # hashtag for when we warn a user? That way mod-action is auditable.

            Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:25:27 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark Actually, this is a good idea.

              Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:27:07 UTC from web
              1. @redenchilada Don't say it like that!

                Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:27:28 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark :E

                  Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:28:22 UTC from web
            2. @ceruleanspark You can try, but I doubt everyone will remember it.

              Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:27:15 UTC from web
              1. @colfax Well, I'll do it anyway. That way if somepony comes to you with a problem, you can easily see what I said/did.

                Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:27:51 UTC from web
        2. @ceruleanspark When it comes to spammers, just delete the account, that removes all their dashes from the timeline.

          Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:25:18 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark I've always found it sufficient to tell the user what you're doing. Most of the time if there's a problem, the admin will check their replies and find out who did it.

      Sunday, 13-Nov-11 16:22:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop