

  1. *walks around the town trying not to care if people were looking at her*

    Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:07:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @sapphireshores Hey!

      Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:08:12 UTC from web
      1. @manfredvonkarma Oh hello there.

        Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:09:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @sapphireshores Don't you "Oh hello there" me! Do you not know who you are talking to!?

          Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:10:46 UTC from web
          1. @manfredvonkarma I am sorry but no i do not. Do YOU know who am i?

            Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:12:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @sapphireshores Bah, of course not. We have only just met in person.

              Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:12:53 UTC from web
              1. @manfredvonkarma Well i am THE pony of pop. SAAAAAAPHIRE SHOOOOOOOOOOORES.

                Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:14:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @sapphireshores ...Very nice. Anyway, I need you, and/or that pony over there with the metal prostheses, to look after my daughter while I search for evidence. I fear she would only get in the way otherwise.

                  Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:16:15 UTC from web
                  1. @manfredvonkarma Um what

                    Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:17:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @sapphireshores I need you to look after my daughter while I'm away on business.

                      Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:21:53 UTC from web
                      1. @manfredvonkarma Um i dont even know your daughter or you at all

                        Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:22:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @sapphireshores Well, hard luck, there's nopony else for the job.

                          Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:24:21 UTC from web
                          1. @manfredvonkarma *just slowly backs away from you*

                            Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:27:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            1. @sapphireshores Oh come on. Please, dear? If she gives you any trouble, don't hesitate to contact me...

                              Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:28:23 UTC from web
                              1. @manfredvonkarma ... Fine...

                                Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:29:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                1. @sapphireshores Thank you. *Leaves in a way that dramatically emphasizes the fact that he is a kiwi.*

                                  Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:30:05 UTC from web
                                  1. @manfredvonkarma ... *waits*

                                    Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:42:21 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        2. @sapphireshores His daughter's a bit loopy, lady, likes to whip ponies for no real reason *shrug*

                          Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:24:33 UTC from web
                          1. @ed Spreading rumors won't get you anywhere, my dear boy.

                            Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:25:17 UTC from web
                            1. @manfredvonkarma Not a rumour when it's the truth pops.

                              Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:26:26 UTC from web
                              1. @ed Hrmph. Will you be present at the trial tomorrow?

                                Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:27:05 UTC from web
                                1. @manfredvonkarma # wait, tomorrow? D: I haz school tomorrow!

                                  Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:27:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                2. @manfredvonkarma *shrug* I might check it out, make sure it's fair and on the up and up

                                  Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:28:24 UTC from web
                  2. @manfredvonkarma The one with the penchant for whipping ponies? I don't have time to baby sit.

                    Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:18:01 UTC from web
                    1. @ed What a shame. Then the job falls to the only other chosen applicant.

                      Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:21:18 UTC from web
            2. @sapphireshores @ed I need a favour to ask of one of you, if not both.

              Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:13:38 UTC from web
              1. @manfredvonkarma That all depends, what's the favour and I'll think about it...

                Monday, 25-Apr-11 11:14:59 UTC from web