So, RDN, I ask you - Is (your least favorite pony) *really* as bad as Scrappy Doo?
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:23:25 UTC from web-
@scribus no
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:23:39 UTC from web -
@scribus Why do you ask? :o
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:24:12 UTC from web-
@pinhooves It was Lore Sjoberg's rule of thumb for his "Book of Ratings" back on
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:26:48 UTC from web-
@scribus Either it's Google Chrome, or that link doesn't work.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:27:48 UTC from web-
@pinhooves Nah, the site's gone offline some time ago. Didn't realize it would become a link as I typed it.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:28:33 UTC from web
@scribus Never! FiM has yet to produce a Scrappy of any kind (thank Celestia)
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:26:34 UTC from web-
@tenmihara And how!
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:27:42 UTC from web -
@tenmihara Oh Luna, you're so right on that.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:28:26 UTC from web-
@pinhooves @scribus Damn right. The Writers of FiM know what they're doing. Their in depth knowledge of Star Trek has also prevented any Wesley's =D
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:29:32 UTC from web-
@tenmihara Word. XD
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:29:58 UTC from web-
@scribus I was a little worried when Pipsqueak came in on Luna Eclipsed, but he has yet to butt in where not wanted. As a result, he was cute ^^
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:33:27 UTC from web-
@tenmihara Ever heard of the !pipsqueakfans group? :3
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:37:02 UTC from web-
@pinhooves ewww
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:37:52 UTC from web-
@carcino WHAT!? How could you not like the little guy? D:
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:38:42 UTC from web-
@pinhooves I wish Luna stomped his annoying papayas into paste when she had the chance.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:39:34 UTC from web
@pinhooves My friend had this opinion: British Pony = Automatic Win XD
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:41:56 UTC from web
@tenmihara I'm still wondering why they didn't just use an existing little little pony, but I don't disagree with Pipsqueak existing... Wonder if we'll ever see any more semi-Earthly ponies?
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:37:45 UTC from web-
@scribus I think they brought in Pipsqueak largely to serve as an exposition bringer. Since it was his first Nightmare night, he could ask the rest of the cast about it without it being forced.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:39:31 UTC from web-
@tenmihara That does make sense. Still, not to sound pony-racist, but he really stands out for me because of his Earthly coloring. :p Also, only non-solid Equestrian thus far.
@scribus Yes, it was a bit of a contrast to the normally pastel cast. The spots were nifty; although I have no idea if real ponies/horses can have spotted coats
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:02:28 UTC from web-
@tenmihara They can. Not sure what they call it, but it happens.
@scribus Nifty
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:09:36 UTC from web
@tenmihara Last thing we need is some Hanna Barbera related thing like Scrappy. (Although I have nothing against their shows)
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:31:00 UTC from web
@scribus No, Scrappy is WAY worse than Trixie
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:26:51 UTC from web -
@scribus I don't think Diamond tiara (least favourite background) or Fluttershy (least favourite mane 6) are either as bad as Scrappy Doo.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:34:20 UTC from web-
@nerthos Tiara and Spoon were meant to be disliked, so there's no real problems with them as characters. Scrappy was an annoying kiwi who kept barging in when not wanted and upset the dynamic of the group
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:36:51 UTC from web-
@tenmihara Exactly.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:37:57 UTC from web
@nerthos Pretty hard to suck that hard, isn't it? :p
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:38:04 UTC from web-
@scribus Yeah. Still, In action movies with kids, they're usually as bananas as Scrappy. An example is the girl from the last War of the Worlds film.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:39:18 UTC from web-
@nerthos The aliens in that movie scared me kiwiless. Granted I saw it when I was like 12 XD
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:45:32 UTC from web-
@tenmihara I liked them, but I wanted them to erase all the worthless masses of felons and idiots from the face of the earth, not just die without doing anything.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:46:57 UTC from web-
@nerthos According to the ending narration (which was also the end of the book), a billion humans were killed before the aliens died.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:50:08 UTC from web-
@tenmihara But I expected the crowds of thieves to be erased in screen. Altough it's the fault of the "hero" for not running over them with his car.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:51:41 UTC from web -
@tenmihara And the girl SURVIVED. She deserved to be beheaded with an axe made of cactus.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:54:05 UTC from web-
@nerthos *shrug* I still enjoyed the movie; Wells has always been my favourite classic Sci-Fi writer
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:57:04 UTC from web-
@tenmihara Yeah, asides from the girl surviving, it was a pretty cool movie.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:57:58 UTC from web-
@nerthos Speaking of cool stuff; new ponies tomorrow =D
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:00:48 UTC from web-
@tenmihara YEAH. And on monday they start airing it on TV here.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:01:49 UTC from web-
@nerthos Whoo!
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:04:10 UTC from web-
@tenmihara It's a shame it's airing in THAT channel. It's infamous for being for retardeds more than for kids.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:07:31 UTC from web-
@nerthos Oh, and ignore the mexican guy.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:07:55 UTC from web-
@nerthos Or whatever he is.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:08:06 UTC from web
@nerthos bugger D=
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:10:29 UTC from web-
@tenmihara After being used to see it in english without subtitles, it feels so weird xD
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:11:22 UTC from web-
@nerthos I'll probably be shouting phrases from the original show half of the time, though.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:12:26 UTC from web
@nerthos Didn't bother to see that one.
@scribus You should. It's a good movie, just don't expect "heros".
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 06:59:14 UTC from web-
@nerthos I don't mind a hero-less movie. Dug "Oldboy" and "Bad Guy." In fact, South Korea seems to be the next country whose cinema will catch on and become over-imported until we get all the crap with the good. Y'know, like anime. :p
@scribus Yeah, but there's no hero, no badass, no anti-hero, nothing. Just weak idiots. The only "badass" gets killed after being portrayed as "the bad guy"
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:03:09 UTC from web-
@nerthos Hmm... That sounds like a different kind of different.
@scribus Yup. The son of the protagonist is not a complete idiot, he's a little too patriotic, but he's a good guy. So he gets portrayed as an idiot. Just ignore the main cast.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:10:16 UTC from web-
@nerthos That's not necessarily a good piece of advice. XD
@scribus Yeah, but it's the truth xD It's what happens when you try to make them "too human"
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:19:19 UTC from web-
@nerthos Yeah, two hours is just not enough time to actually come to know a character. They will always be a grotesque or a characiture. Key is to keep it close to recognizable reality, I guess. #shrug
@scribus The key is giving them some flaws and some strenghts. Not just flaws.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:22:28 UTC from web-
@nerthos Oh, what if I only want to give them strengths!? :D
@scribus People could think it's a mary sue if you do it wrong. But if you're good writing, it can work.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:25:30 UTC from web -
@scribus An example is Xellos in Slayers. He has no evident flaws, but he's still awesome and everypony loves him.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:26:37 UTC from web-
@nerthos Never got around to that one.
@scribus The first season is from 1995. It's just plain awesome, every season. It's basically a joke about tabletop rpg's that becomes a great story in itself.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:34:32 UTC from web-
@nerthos It was on the list, before I fell out of anime. Also never got around to Reyearth. Finished NG:E though. Over, like, 6 years. . . <.<
@scribus It's a classic, one of those who everyone likes, even if they ussually don't see anime.
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 07:39:37 UTC from web-
@nerthos Maybe one day. Maybe one day. . .