

  1. @tenmihara i'm back

    Tuesday, 29-Nov-11 23:29:47 UTC from web
    1. @mushi Okay, so let's start with what you already know. Just gimme a quick recap of what you know of the training process already. Also, once i start explaining things, feel free to stop me if there's something you don't comprehend fully

      Tuesday, 29-Nov-11 23:38:16 UTC from web
      1. @tenmihara ok, i know the nature and ability stuff. And I know that the efforts are points that we get by defeating cetain pokemons (right?)

        Tuesday, 29-Nov-11 23:40:46 UTC from web
        1. @mushi Yes, that's the gist of it. What comes into play for Effort Training is knowing how many of those points you can use, where to put them, and how the benefits play out

          Tuesday, 29-Nov-11 23:59:22 UTC from web
          1. @tenmihara yeah, its something like fighting only one pokemon untill you get all the efforts (is there an effort ribon (or something like this) in pokemon Black?

            Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:01:36 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Let's start from the beginning. There are 4 main things to consider when it comes to building a Pokemon's stats. Base Stats, Nature, Effort Values (EVs) and Individual Values (IVs). base stats are determined by Species, and are usually used to determine what any given Pokemon will be good at naturally. Nature gives an automatic 10% boost to one stat and a 10% decrease in another. Effectively, this allows you to drop a stat you're not using (most Pokemon have at least one), in favor of one you need more of. Effort Values are not visible, but contribute to the growth of stats alongside Base Stats. IVs are the least important, as they are difficult to control, and usually only result in a couple points difference. Stop me if I'm going too fast

              Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:07:05 UTC from web
              1. @tenmihara Its okay, i know the natures and the iv. The ivs are a pain the handle. I'd say the nature is the more important, since our pokemon will be completelly useless if it doesnt have the right nature

                Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:10:20 UTC from web
                1. @mushi Not completely useless, but it is the easiest of the things to manipulate. Effort Values can also be manipulated (by only gaining specific ones until the total number is obtained), although it is more difficult. Base Stats cannot be altered, and IVs aren't worth the trouble.

                  Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:13:12 UTC from web
                  1. @tenmihara yes, i woldnt likt to breed the pokemon 1000 just to get the righ ivs. But what we need to do to up efforts is finghint only the right pokémons, right?

                    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:15:06 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi Effectively yes, but there are shortcuts. Vitamins, training weights and Pokerus to be specific. Before that though, it's good to know how many Effort Values a Pokemon can have, and how they work to increase their respective stat.

                      Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:16:30 UTC from web
                      1. @tenmihara as far as i know, 4 efforts pois = 1 stat point, but i dont remember how many efforts we can get

                        Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:17:42 UTC from web
                        1. @mushi If I remember right, the maximum is 512 total EVs, and 255 per stat. BUT any more than 252 EVs in a single stat is worthless.

                          Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:19:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          1. @redenchilada yeah, since 252 is the last mutiple of 4

                            Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:21:29 UTC from web
                          2. @redenchilada 510, not 512, but otherwise correct

                            Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:23:31 UTC from web
                            1. @tenmihara so we just need to see what pokemon give us the right efforts, defeat them untill we get all the efforts and then we can train in any pokemon right?

                              Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:24:54 UTC from web
                              1. @mushi It also helps to have a plan on how to build the POkemon, and I can help guide you in the right direction. Other good resources are Smogon Competitive University (good info, but I dislike them because a fair number of their competitive movepools require cheating to use properly) and Bulbapedia (nice graphs showing Base Stats and listing of Effort Values

                                Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:28:00 UTC from web
                                1. @tenmihara i use somogon and bullbapedia, but i usually igore the effort values part

                                  Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:29:06 UTC from web
                                  1. @mushi Well, now's a good time to start paying attention lol. Now that you have the basic idea of what to do, there are a few ways of making the process easier (on average, I can build the effort values of a single Pokemon within half an hour)

                                    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:30:15 UTC from web
                                    1. @tenmihara wow, just it, i thought it would take more time!

                                      Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:31:30 UTC from web
                                      1. @mushi Like I said, shortcuts. There are three big ones. Vitamins, Training Weights, and Pokerus. Vitamins give 10 EVs to their respective stat, but cannot boost a stat over 100 EVs. I always start with a fresh Pokemon (although, my estimate for EV building did not include move/nature breeding, but there are shortcuts there too), then for any 252/252/4 build, put 10 vitamins into the two stats and about half the work is done

                                        Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:35:21 UTC from web
                                        1. @tenmihara this is cool, but vitamins are expensive. And what is the training weights and pokerus?

                                          Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:37:21 UTC from web
                                          1. @mushi The expense of vitamins can be offset by the fact that in Pokemon BW, the 999,999 cap on money has been removed; so by gathering a few of the big value items, you can get money much more quickly. I currently have 3.8 million stocked up, and that's after EV training no less than 32 Pokemon

                                            Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:40:09 UTC from web
                                            1. @tenmihara wow. This is good, i wanted to start training an scavelier. i think i can start getting some money

                                              Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:44:12 UTC from web
                                              1. @mushi I have an Escavalier myself; I advise breeding Megahorn onto it; it's vastly superior to X-Scissor. Your old Scolipede (if Male) will do the trick nicely.

                                                Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:45:53 UTC from web
                                                1. @tenmihara ii think its females, but i have some venipedes whose the sex i dont know. But what do i do to breed it? I only know how to breed with a ditto XD

                                                  Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:49:37 UTC from web
                                                  1. @mushi Okay, if you want to start with Escavalier, then let's do that. Since I've made one myself, it will make an excellent reference guide. Alternatively, we could start with your Beloved Scolipede, potentially producing a Megahorn breeder in advance.

                                                    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:51:38 UTC from web
                                                    1. @tenmihara yeah, this is cool, how to do it?

                                                      Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:52:31 UTC from web
                                                      1. @mushi Scolipede or Escavalier? (I confused myself lol)

                                                        Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:54:53 UTC from web
                                                        1. @tenmihara scolipede first \o/

                                                          Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:56:15 UTC from web
                                                          1. @mushi Gotcha. The one you have right now is female you said; so what nature does it have right now?

                                                            Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:57:02 UTC from web
                                                            1. @tenmihara bashful D=

                                                              Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:03:58 UTC from web
                                                              1. @mushi Okay; check your PC for any MALE Bug Type Pokemon with a Jolly Nature (You're okay with doing that Swords Dance build I suggested, yes?)

                                                                Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:06:06 UTC from web
                                                                1. @tenmihara eh, this bild is okay, but for some misterious reason, ALL my others bugs are modest

                                                                  Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:08:45 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @mushi That will be good for when you want to train a Volcorona lol. Gimme a sec, I might have something to spare

                                                                    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:09:53 UTC from web
                                                                  2. @mushi Perfect; I have a Jolly Ditto lol. Meet me in the Wifi room

                                                                    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:15:08 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @tenmihara yay!

                                                                      Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:15:51 UTC from web
                                                                    2. @tenmihara !innuendo

                                                                      Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:16:14 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @thatonepony !innuendo?

                                                                        Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:22:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                                    3. @tenmihara obs (i only have 1 ditto, and its modest too XD)

                                                                      Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:16:30 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @mushi Alright, I'm in the Wifi room waiting for me. Trade me anythin you're not using, I've got pretty much everything I need, so it doesn't matter.

                                                                        Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:19:23 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @tenmihara i talked with the girl in the left D=

                                                                          Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:20:44 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @mushi Wrong one; Wifi room is still middle; I already have the trade open and waiting

                                                                            Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:22:23 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @tenmihara and now i breed tehm

                                                                              Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:28:59 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @mushi If I didn't know you two were talking about Pokemon, most of this conversation would be pretty dirty.

                                                                                Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:30:01 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @thatonepony yeah, r34 materail lol

                                                                                  Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:32:16 UTC from web
                                                                              2. @mushi Eeyup; get 4 eggs (50% chance of Jolly nature, 50% chance of Swarm ability) and you should be fine

                                                                                Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:32:32 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @tenmihara have one already

                                                                                  Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:34:41 UTC from web
                                                                                  1. @mushi An egg or an Everstone?

                                                                                    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:35:47 UTC from web
                        2. @mushi That is correct. 4 Effort values = 1 extra point in the respective stat. The maximum total EVs that a Pokemon can have is 510, and no more than 255 in any single stat

                          Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:21:38 UTC from web
                          1. @tenmihara but as redenchilada daid, 252 efforts is good enough, right?

                            Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:22:46 UTC from web
                            1. @mushi for 9/10 Pokemon that are trained, the typical EV spread used is 252 in one stat, 252 in another, then another 4 to touch up a third stat by an extra point

                              Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 00:24:07 UTC from web