

  1. @pinhooves wow, you're really popular around here. Why won't anypony stike up a conversation with me?

    Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:21:05 UTC from web
    1. @andranator2 You smell bad.

      Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:21:52 UTC from web
      1. @thatonepony YOU CAN SMELL ME?!

        Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:22:18 UTC from web
        1. @andranator2 And taste. Not exactly good, either.

          Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:22:50 UTC from web
          1. @thatonepony WHY DO YOU SAY THESE THINGS?!

            Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:23:54 UTC from web
            1. @andranator2 You know you love it. Don't hide your feelings.

              Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:28:32 UTC from web
              1. @thatonepony I most certainly do not. Criticisms stab me like knives, I take each one very personally, if fact I am currently using mouthwash even though I brushed my teeth 10 minutes ago!

                Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:30:16 UTC from web
              2. @thatonepony also I am extremely critical of myself and can only accept that I'm not a total falure in life with the constant approval of others. This, coupled with my OCD makes me an extremely complicated person. This is also why I am generally considered a freak by everypony at my school and have 0 relationship prospect whatsoever.

                Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:33:36 UTC from web
                1. @andranator2 Wow. I just said you smelled.

                  Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:35:31 UTC from web
                  1. @thatonepony thats why you don't say things like that to people. You never know how much of a freak they are and how ridiculously perilous their balance of sanity is.

                    Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:37:00 UTC from web
                    1. @andranator2 Right, you do that.

                      Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:38:58 UTC from web
                      1. @thatonepony yes i know you think I'm a freak. So does everyone else so just say it.

                        Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:39:42 UTC from web
                        1. @andranator2 It's alright, I think everyone is a freak. Not just you.

                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:43:20 UTC from web
                          1. @thatonepony thanks finally someone said it to my face. More or less anyways. People have been saying that for years behind my back, that why I don't have any friends, because everypony thinks I'm a freak. Even my own grandparents!

                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:44:59 UTC from web
                            1. @andranator2 Haha! Everyone thinks I'm a freak! Because I am! FREAKIN OUT

                              Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:46:50 UTC from web
                              1. @thatonepony but I'm guessing you have friends and haven't constantly been put down by your family you're whole life turning you into an emotional mess deep dow. the only way I can function is I shut off completely I form a shield so that nothing can touch me but behind the shield I'm broken.

                                Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:49:05 UTC from web
                                1. @andranator2 I tell my emotions they can suck it. For real, just go a day, and do your best to not give a murdock what people thing. Do your dole wonders.

                                  Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:50:37 UTC from web
                                  1. @thatonepony I just completely isolate myself from human contact. In school I say about 10 words all day and sit at a computer between classes. People just regard me as not being there andthat general works.

                                    Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:52:25 UTC from web
                                    1. @andranator2 That's quitting. Quitting is for quitters. Man the papayas up. Don't know anyone? Talk to people. It will be hard at first, but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

                                      Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:55:21 UTC from web
                                      1. @thatonepony (here, you might need this) ;p

                                        Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:56:27 UTC from web
                                        1. @scribus I AM THE MANLIEST MAN

                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:57:58 UTC from web
                                          1. @thatonepony Shall we compare chest hair?

                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:58:41 UTC from web
                                            1. @scribus You suck.

                                              Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:00:06 UTC from web
                                              1. @thatonepony Por que?

                                                Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:00:54 UTC from web
                                                1. @scribus You and your chest hair.

                                                  Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:01:41 UTC from web
                                                  1. @thatonepony Mama always Tabasco would put hair on my chest.

                                                    Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:02:23 UTC from web
                                                    1. @scribus Your moma wasn't very smart. That's a scientific fallacy.

                                                      Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:03:16 UTC from web
                                                      1. @thatonepony I dunno. I ate a lot of Tabasco, and I'm damn hairy.

                                                        Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:03:50 UTC from web
                                                        1. @scribus @pinhooves @tenmihara Here's the full image:

                                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:04:48 UTC from web
                                                          1. @ceruleanspark Oh, God, yes! :D

                                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:05:17 UTC from web
                                                          2. @ceruleanspark I saw! It's so cute! :3

                                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:06:45 UTC from web
                                                        2. @scribus Coincidence.

                                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:06:46 UTC from web
                                                          1. @thatonepony Either way, I'm just a good # and a Ferrari away from being Magnum P.I. for Halloween. AND EVERY OTHER DAY!

                                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:08:06 UTC from web
                                                            1. @scribus You've already got the mustache.

                                                              Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:09:03 UTC from web
                                                              1. @thatonepony That's not quite Thomas Magnum-style, though.

                                                                Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:09:42 UTC from web
                                                                1. @scribus His mustache was pretty great....

                                                                  Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:11:06 UTC from web
                                        2. @scribus Manly Rarity. As a side note, my high school's debate team used this as their official (possibly unofficial) theme song.

                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:58:07 UTC from web
                                          1. @fallinwinter Sounds like an awesome debate team.

                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:59:37 UTC from web
                                            1. @scribus Probably. My friends were in it though thinking back it sounded pretty fun and I kinda wish I joined it.

                                              Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:00:26 UTC from web
                                              1. @fallinwinter I . . . honestly don't recall if I thought about it or not. :p I wasn't very involved in high school.

                                                Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:01:26 UTC from web
                                                1. @scribus I wasn't super active in school, but debating is just fun to me. What other class do you get to argue?

                                                  Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:02:46 UTC from web
                                                  1. @fallinwinter I've never been especially outspoken, I'd be way too likely to drop a debate with a "That's just, like, your opinion, man." ;p

                                                    Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:04:52 UTC from web
                                                    1. @scribus I like debating. As long as I know the topic, I can argue about it. I can think pretty well on my feet.

                                                      Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:06:22 UTC from web
                                                      1. @fallinwinter That's a good skill to have.

                                                        Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:08:27 UTC from web
                                                        1. @scribus It is. Though my like of debating tends to get me into "debates" a lot. Which most people perceive as arguments. That or it just annoys them when I analyze things more seriously than they expected and don't want to deal with it.

                                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:10:11 UTC from web
                                      2. @thatonepony a) don't tell me what to do b)I'm a loner and thats all I'll ever be c) I've accepted tha fact that I'm going to die alone anyway so it's fine

                                        Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:57:56 UTC from web
                                        1. @andranator2 1) Don't complain if you don't want advice. 2) That's quitter talk. 3) Accepting that you've lost before trying is the worst way to loose.

                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:59:27 UTC from web
                                          1. @thatonepony I'm not complaining I'm just stating facts about how my head works and I never asked for advice also accepting that you'll eventually fail at everything you ever hope to accomplish takes away some of the pain when you actually fail

                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:01:37 UTC from web
                                            1. @andranator2 No, it's just complaining. If you don't want to listen to me, that's your choice, but stop complaining at me.

                                              Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:02:41 UTC from web
                                              1. @thatonepony I'm sorry for yelling at you sometimes I just like to talk to somepony. I don't crack open my shell too often but sometimes it feels good to sharewhat I feel. I am content with my life it's fairly simple which is good because my head isn't. Less people is better for me.

                                                Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:11:11 UTC from web
                                                1. @andranator2 That's just silly. How can less people be better for you when you're obviously craving social attention?

                                                  Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:12:25 UTC from web
                                                  1. @thatonepony I don't crave social attention I crave social approval and any attention I get is always negative anyway so it's easier not to bother.

                                                    Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:14:11 UTC from web
                                                    1. @andranator2 Your complaining at me. I can give you advice, but you've said you don't want any.

                                                      Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:15:11 UTC from web
                                                      1. @thatonepony Exactly how is what I'm doing complaining?

                                                        Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:16:03 UTC from web
                                                        1. @andranator2 What your doing is presenting reasons I should feel bad for you.

                                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:17:01 UTC from web
                                                        2. @andranator2 @thatonepony

                                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:18:03 UTC from web
                                                          1. @ceruleanspark You beat me to the punch.

                                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:18:18 UTC from web
                                                          2. @ceruleanspark I ain't doin neither

                                                            Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:21:04 UTC from web
                                                            1. @andranator2 I figured. That's just what the conversation immediately made me think about.

                                                              Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:21:30 UTC from web
                                                              1. @ceruleanspark Yeah I was just abusing the power of anonymity that comes with the Internet to dump my feelings.

                                                                Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:22:52 UTC from web
                                        2. @andranator2 I used to think that i'd die alone...then i met my girlfriend... nearly 2 years now. dont give up hope pony <3

                                          Friday, 02-Dec-11 07:02:31 UTC from web
                                    2. @andranator2 I know that feel >.<, sadly what @thatonepony says is true...was the only reason i'm able to cope at my BTEC college >.< #

                                      Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:56:51 UTC from web
      2. @thatonepony Now now, that's not a nice thing to say.

        Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:22:28 UTC from web
    2. @andranator2 I have been here for a while, and I do talk a lot here.

      Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:22:12 UTC from web
      1. @pinhooves i NOTICED. i WOULD TO BUT NORMALLY i'M FAR TOO BUSY.

        Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:23:10 UTC from web
      2. @pinhooves damn caps lock

        Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:23:23 UTC from web
        1. @andranator2 I noticed the caps lock too. :p

          Friday, 02-Dec-11 06:23:52 UTC from web