

  1. Haithar Ponies.

    Sunday, 04-Dec-11 09:59:41 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowxdash Hay there!

      Sunday, 04-Dec-11 10:00:00 UTC from web
    2. @rainbowxdash yo.

      Sunday, 04-Dec-11 10:00:34 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Oh, that's lame. You're lame. LAME. #

        Saturday, 11-Aug-12 08:52:02 UTC from wub
        1. @minti "minti -> anarchycarcino"

          Saturday, 11-Aug-12 08:53:37 UTC from IdentiCurse
          1. @redenchilada I typo'd the notice ID, shoosh.

            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 08:54:48 UTC from wub
            1. @minti I'm finding it incredibly fun to see everyone's different ways of accessing the site when just using the site doesn't work.

              Saturday, 11-Aug-12 08:55:57 UTC from IdentiCurse
              1. @redenchilada Addiction is a powerful thing.

                Saturday, 11-Aug-12 08:56:30 UTC from IdentiCurse
              2. @redenchilada You must be amused by me then, considering I can't use a normal client so I'M POSTING FROM THE JS COMMAND PROMPT USING JQUERY T.T

                Saturday, 11-Aug-12 08:57:07 UTC from wub
        2. @minti you literally just replied to the notice a million notices before mine I'm laughing

          Saturday, 11-Aug-12 08:54:18 UTC from IdentiCurse
    3. @rainbowxdash Ohai! Don't recognise you, newpony?

      Sunday, 04-Dec-11 10:00:55 UTC from web