

  1. Clearly Microsoft is unhappy about me giving all my money to steam. So they've broken my 360

    Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:17:17 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark Aww man.

      Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:18:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @ceruleanspark Or it could be because the 360 is prone to really applesty flaws that it shouldn't have been released with. That's another option.

      Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:18:20 UTC from web
      1. @thatonepony I've got one of the ones that isn't supposed to do that.

        Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:18:46 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark That's funny because the normal wasn't supposed to do that. Microsoft has a bad habit of releasing hardware products with major design flaws.

          Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:20:22 UTC from web
          1. @thatonepony Not unlike your face.

            Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:20:38 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark Ouch. I need to go see Dr.Zing on in the BURN ward. So creative.

              Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:21:42 UTC from web
              1. @thatonepony I'm the goddamn king.

                Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:22:28 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark I bow my severely scalded face in honor of your singular minded dominance of the world of one liner insults.

                  Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:24:38 UTC from web
    3. @ceruleanspark a clear minded individual would call the steam tech suport and ask them to fix your 360

      Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:18:39 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I should email Gabe. See if he can help.

        Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:19:36 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark I would LOVE to see Gabe come over, grab your XboX... diagnoze the problem himself, repair it, call MS-Tech support and rant to them "THATS how you do it JACKASSES... also... I just got an idea for a new hat :D"

          Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:57:12 UTC from web
    4. @ceruleanspark They're just mad you're not giving money to them.

      Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 20:19:32 UTC from web