

  1. @h0rs3c4ndl3 I do not think I have not talked to you before, Hi

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 02:57:52 UTC from web
    1. @macpony55 Hello! How are you doing? You probably have, I changed my account name recently, and I do remember seeing you around pretty often. Old account name: fencingblind.

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 03:05:39 UTC from web
      1. @h0rs3c4ndl3 Hmm, it sounds familiar...But hi anyway, I still have RDN send emails for everything ( To all that see this I have every conversation i've ever had on here stored in my email, fear me.) so I saw when you liked one of my notices and realized I didn't recognize you so I decided to say hi. I am doing pretty good, how're you?

        Monday, 26-Dec-11 03:10:41 UTC from web
        1. @macpony55 Decent enough. Today was actually somehow less hectic than an average day in this loony bin so I'm good. I can't remember, what's that screenshot from?

          Monday, 26-Dec-11 03:15:04 UTC from web
          1. @h0rs3c4ndl3 I have no idea

            Monday, 26-Dec-11 03:19:38 UTC from web