

  1. In Heaven, everything is fine. In Heaven, everything is fine. In Heaven, everything is fine. You've got your good things, and I've got mine.

    Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:29:40 UTC from web
    1. @scribus It's Christmas, it's Christmas in Heaven. Hip-hip-hip-hip hooray! Every single day is Christmas day.

      Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:32:08 UTC from web
      1. @patch I don't think yours is from "Eraserhead," is it?

        Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:33:05 UTC from web
        1. @scribus No, nothing so lofty. Monty Python.

          Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:34:00 UTC from web
          1. @patch Not that there's anything wrong with that.

            Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:36:23 UTC from web
            1. @scribus No, and I promise not to make constant references to them. Just heard that song a while back and your bit made me think of it.

              Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:39:09 UTC from web
              1. @patch I admit, I could be better-versed in Monty Python.

                Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:40:06 UTC from web
                1. @scribus Monty Python is funny, and sort of a pillar of geek culture. I think, though, that's mostly because geeks in the pre-internet days often felt alone, and when something came along that was not insultingly stupid humor, they latched on to it. Later, discovering others of their kind by chance, it became a sort of common language, and was frequently referenced out of sheer relief at knowing other human beings were like you.

                  Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:49:37 UTC from web
                  1. @patch Could be. I'm a bit tired to fully grok that, but it seems to make sense.

                    Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:50:21 UTC from web
                    1. @scribus I guess I mean it's worth looking into sometime, but it's sort of hit-and-miss on the funny.

                      Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:54:39 UTC from web
                      1. @patch There have been moments that just struck me as bizarre in hopes of getting a confused laugh, but I've liked a good bit of it.

                        Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:58:27 UTC from web