


    Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:10:59 UTC from web
    1. @princessweetiebelle @ceruleanspark Hello!

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:11:59 UTC from web
    2. @princessweetiebelle Hi Princess! ^.^

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:12:08 UTC from web
      1. @forestrain @lyokotravels Hihi! ^w^ how are you two!?

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:14:52 UTC from web
        1. @princessweetiebelle I'm doing fine.

          Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:15:16 UTC from web
          1. @lyokotravels Cool! up to anything awesome??

            Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:16:20 UTC from web
            1. @princessweetiebelle well I have a Brony meetup next Friday :3

              Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:17:51 UTC from web
              1. @lyokotravels Lucky! I hope I get to go to one someday~

                Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:19:13 UTC from web
    3. @princessweetiebelle Hello :)

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:13:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @leonkfox Hiya! how've you been/

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:18:14 UTC from web
        1. @princessweetiebelle Had my ups and downs, as people often will. Done a bit of venting on this site here and there, but I guess I'm good for the most part :)

          Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:20:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @leonkfox My vents are kinda violent, I try not to do them publically. xD;

            Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:24:22 UTC from web
            1. @princessweetiebelle ...Violent? O.o Remind me not to get on your bad if just you venting is violent xD j/k

              Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:33:40 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @leonkfox I keep the bad stuff in my head, I'd never everever take it out on my friends =(

                Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:35:36 UTC from web
    4. @princessweetiebelle @ceruleanspark Hay guys, how's it goin?

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:16:20 UTC from web
      1. @macpony55 I had a couple sads tonight, but I'm okay now. How about you?

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:19:34 UTC from web
        1. @princessweetiebelle Pulling an all-nighter for this darn project, so a little tired but it's Friday so that's ok

          Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:21:27 UTC from web
          1. @macpony55 It's Friday? ..Wow, I'm losing track of time.

            Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:24:45 UTC from web
            1. @princessweetiebelle It's so easy to do that

              Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:27:14 UTC from web
              1. @macpony55 I thought it was only Thursday or something D:

                Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:27:56 UTC from web
                1. @princessweetiebelle well SURPRISE

                  Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:28:46 UTC from web
                  1. @macpony55 I LIKE SURPRISES! =D

                    Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:29:30 UTC from web
                    1. @princessweetiebelle that worked out well then

                      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:32:25 UTC from web
                      1. @macpony55 That was fun! can I have another!?

                        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:33:34 UTC from web
                        1. @princessweetiebelle Hmm.... Ah! #

                          Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:35:46 UTC from web
                          1. @macpony55 Yaaaayyy! *claps like a kid*

                            Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:39:19 UTC from web
                            1. @princessweetiebelle

                              Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:40:20 UTC from web
                              1. @macpony55 Haha~ wish I had a Sweetie version of that

                                Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:42:23 UTC from web
                                1. @princessweetiebelle this is all I got

                                  Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:45:36 UTC from web
                                  1. @macpony55 c:

                                    Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:47:24 UTC from web
                                    1. @princessweetiebelle My library hath been updated

                                      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:48:33 UTC from web
                                      1. @macpony55 My Sweetie Belle folder has 318 pics. DO YOU WANT MORE UPDATES?

                                        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:51:46 UTC from web
                                        1. @princessweetiebelle

                                          Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:53:35 UTC from web
                                        2. @princessweetiebelle I WANT TO SEE PROOF OF THIS SWEETIE-FOLDER.

                                          Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:53:53 UTC from web
                                          1. @zarkanorf @macpony55

                                            Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:01:14 UTC from web
                                            1. @princessweetiebelle Well ain't that fancy, a zip :D

                                              Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:02:17 UTC from web
                                              1. @macpony55 YEP. Every single Sweetie pic I has. xD

                                                Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:03:35 UTC from web
                                                1. @princessweetiebelle yay :D

                                                  Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:04:02 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony Ohai you! c:

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:23:49 UTC from web
    6. @abigpony Whats uuuuppppppp?

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:27:41 UTC from web
    7. @abigpony Whacha drawin'~?

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:35:51 UTC from web
    8. @abigpony Make less distracts for yourself, silly!

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:39:59 UTC from web
    9. @abigpony No matter how you draw, it's most likely better than my work, take that for what it is~ xD keep practicing, I bet you'll get better as time goes on!

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:48:52 UTC from web
    10. @abigpony I think your style is unique, actually~ you'd be a great cartoonist!

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:03:09 UTC from web
    11. @abigpony How'd that work out~?

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:14:27 UTC from web
    12. @abigpony Maybe focus on one feature to another until you can get everything right over time?

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:19:16 UTC from web
    13. @abigpony If you say so... I hope you find your talents in other places, then!

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:33:06 UTC from web
    14. @abigpony @scoot is also heavily colorblind and he manages to handle coloring. You should ask him what he does to figure it out.

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:35:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark Maybe with an screenshot and the sample tool? it shows the RGB or HTML code of the colour.

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:58:40 UTC from web
    15. @abigpony He DID once submit a drawing of a green Applebloom once, because he thought that was what color she was.

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:36:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    16. @abigpony I dunno for sure yet, really. Blankflank D: I got some ideas in mind though: Music, theatre, acting, activism are a few~ looking most toward music though

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:39:12 UTC from web
    17. @abigpony She's light yellow and her hair is red.

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:39:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    18. @thatonepony I think that's where the idea came from

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:40:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    19. @abigpony I'm a singer, hoping to learn the synthesizer too~

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:42:58 UTC from web
    20. @shalabajza I haven't written much of my own material, mostly because I have a creativity block right now. I like to sing random tunes from my favourite artists and stuff though~ Oasis, Owl City, Lights and Alanis Morrissette are my biggest inspirations musically c:

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:51:21 UTC from web
      1. @princessweetiebelle i love vanilla twilight

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:52:30 UTC from web
        1. @shadowlight The Tip of the Iceberg is my favourite ♥

          Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:53:57 UTC from web
    21. @abigpony Thanks! I don't have a band yet, but I'd love to get involved with one. I've dreamed of fronting a band for years~

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:52:02 UTC from web
    22. @abigpony No genre specifically, I'm actually looking to create something exotic. I do wanna include guitars, bass, drums, piano, synth, maybe an orchestra or two and maybe some 8-bit work. I guess some sort of an indie/synthpop kind of project?

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:59:27 UTC from web
    23. @shalabajza I've written quite a few emotional poems when I've been in tip-end moods, perhaps I can convert some of them into song-form? and awesome! :D #

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:01:35 UTC from web
    24. @abigpony Haha not ALL of it at once, of course xD that'd be far too hard to do right away. Perhaps I'll just experiment with my sound until I find something that I think will catch peoples hearts~ I want a sound that's powerful, but dreamy, out-of-this-world and unique, with a flavour of innocence.

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:05:48 UTC from web
    25. @shalabajza For me it's the opposite, I write first and find a melody later, as I tend to find the deepest heart of music to be the lyrics~

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:09:43 UTC from web
    26. @abigpony Yup, you nailed it. The closest current artist that gets close to this kinda sound is Lights, or The Postal Service. Thanks! I hope your musical future shines into the stars, too! ^_^ maybe we can like, go on tour together someday

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:14:22 UTC from web
    27. @shalabajza OMC YOU'RE FROM SERBIA??? Greetings my Slavic brethren! I'm an American of Russian descent~ c: we can totally make Euromusic together!

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:17:08 UTC from web
    28. @shalabajza Yay!! I can speak Russian, not perfectly, but I'm solid enough. And I have both an MSN and Skype c=

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:21:07 UTC from web
      1. @princessweetiebelle Hey I have a skype account ^^ it's the same name on here :3

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:23:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @lyokotravels @shalabajza You guys will have to add me on Skype, my Add Contact screen is glitched for some reason. It's "Sovietdash"

          Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:27:42 UTC from web
          1. @princessweetiebelle ok I'm "LyokoTravels"

            Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:28:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          2. @princessweetiebelle I've tried adding you but it says no such name D:

            Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:35:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @lyokotravels Odd o.o hold on, Imma be slick~~

              Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:43:54 UTC from web
              1. @princessweetiebelle Ok

                Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:44:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    29. @shalabajza Mines still screwed up, blah. -w-

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:43:22 UTC from web
    30. @shalabajza ok .. I'll add u later .. Crap 1.41AM PST / GMT -8

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:49:44 UTC from StatusNet iPhone