

  1. What happening my ponies!?

    Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:13:09 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 the usual, you?

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:13:53 UTC from web
      1. @shadowlight Jusssst working....

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:14:49 UTC from web
    2. @purplephish20 Getting ready for bed...

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:15:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @purplephish20

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:16:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark Oh my god... Thats terrible... I can't even offer any advice, I've never been through anything like that, I hope he ends up alright, no matter how it seems.

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:19:06 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 I wish I could do something for him, but anything I could do just seems tacky.

          Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:21:09 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @ceruleanspark we all wish we could do something

            Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:22:26 UTC from web
          2. @ceruleanspark @yodelerty Is there any specific reason he can't see him? My best guess is he can't go near him as with himself being ill (pinhooves), and that's not good around someone in his grandfathers condition

            Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:26:01 UTC from web
            1. @purplephish20 He says his he has the flu and his parents won't let him leave his bed.

              Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:26:54 UTC from web
        2. @purplephish20 I just hope his grandfather is still alive tomorrow, so he can at least say goodbye.

          Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:22:09 UTC from web
    4. @purplephish20 The ponies are with you, my friend, always.

      Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:18:09 UTC from web