

  1. Bah. Trying to sleep but I'm not the slightest bit tired. Oh, well, I guess I'll talk with you ponies for a bit. How's everypony?

    Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:37:48 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @yodelerty Pretty good actually! My mom randomly came in earlier, saw the MLP brushies on my desk, and didn't care at all! I think she's okay with me being a brony! :D

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:39:28 UTC from web
      1. @pinhooves That's awesome, man! :D My mom just laughs at me or rolls her eyes when I mention ponies. *sigh*

        Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:42:48 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @yodelerty Well, I wouldn't say she didn't care, more like she didn't mind me having the, She was jokingly asking me where I got them, and I explained about the show. She knew Power Puff Girls, so she understood. :3

          Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:45:27 UTC from web
          1. @pinhooves having them*

            Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:45:57 UTC from web
          2. @pinhooves Oh, my mom doesn't care about me having them either. I guess the more correct way of me saying it would be that "she doesn't get it." But the fact that she laughs at me isn't helping me at all. It doesn't raise my self-esteem, it just makes me insecure. Basically, it's why I don't tell her anything about my personal life, because everything I do is weird to her. It's also why I'm not a furry anymore.

            Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:51:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @yodelerty Ah, that's quite understandable.

              Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:52:55 UTC from web
            2. @yodelerty This post makes me sad on several levels.

              Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:58:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark Sorry for giving you a sad, man. I let my feelings out and I don't even know why. Maybe it's because I feel like I can be more honest with all you ponies than with my family. How bad is that?

                Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:05:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @yodelerty No, it made me sad /for/ you. You shouldn't have to feel that way, sugarcube.

                  Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:06:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @ceruleanspark @nerthos @pinhooves Thanks for the comfort and reassurance, you guys.

                    Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:14:59 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @yodelerty No problem xD Also, good night again.

                      Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:16:02 UTC from web
                    2. @yodelerty oh dear, has something been the matter?

                      Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:16:29 UTC from web
                2. @yodelerty That is not uncommon. Here you know most of us are in a similar, if not the same, situation; or at least comprehend the problem.

                  Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:06:40 UTC from web
                3. @yodelerty I don't think it's bad. I feel I'm the same way about that too.

                  Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:09:08 UTC from web
            3. @yodelerty I was thinking about this post, and I remembered something from V for Vendetta. It is probably completely meaningless without the greater context of the story and setting, but I wanted to share it with you all the same:

              Monday, 09-Jan-12 09:19:55 UTC from web
    2. @yodelerty The same thing is happening to me, but... *Yawn* I am actually getting tired now. So maybe I should take this chance while I am lucky enough to have been given it. Goodnight! :3

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:39:34 UTC from web
    3. @yodelerty How are you by the way?

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:39:48 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony Well, them's the brakes, I guess.

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:40:58 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    5. @abigpony It's another way of saying "That bites, bro."

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:44:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    6. @abigpony I have a Dell. #

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:50:21 UTC from web
    7. @abigpony Never get Adele?! OKAY

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:52:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone