

  1. So I reinstalled Ubuntu. Hopefully it'll work this time around.

    Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:27:24 UTC from web
    1. @seanthebluesheep what was the problem last time?

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:28:11 UTC from web
      1. @the20percent I couldn't run downloaded software

        Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:34:04 UTC from web
        1. @seanthebluesheep We need more info. Do you mean downloaded from the Ubuntu Software Center, did apt-get not work, or could you install the software just fine, just not run it? Or are we talking windows software here?

          Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:37:09 UTC from web
          1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony I'm going to be honest with you here. I have no idea. Anything I downloaded wouldn't install. Skype is the main thing that comes to mind, but a bunch of things had the same problems.

            Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:43:42 UTC from web
            1. @seanthebluesheep And you got no error message? Weird. To tell the truth, It took me about three years, two hard drives and countless installs of Ubuntu, Mint, and Fedora to "grok" Gnu Linux for me. But I am not a very technical pony...I just like to look the part.

              Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:48:27 UTC from web
              1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony I got error messages when I tried to open the software manager I think.

                Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:51:17 UTC from web
                1. @seanthebluesheep oh well, a fresh install always fixes everything :D

                  Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:53:45 UTC from web
        2. @seanthebluesheep that's bad :/ were you using 64 bit? Some of the programs only run in a 32 bit environment, but I'm pretty sure there are a few more ways to get around that though. Were you compiling from source, and didn't have a dependency or something?

          Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:39:27 UTC from web
    2. @seanthebluesheep Which one? And what was the problem last time? (Bandwagon)

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:28:57 UTC from web
    3. @seanthebluesheep Which ubuntu is it? The newest (11.10), or is it 10.04? Cuz 11.10 can get rather glitchy, and its a resource hog compared to 10.04 :/

      Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:32:49 UTC from web
      1. @the20percent I keep Ubuntu installed only to pretend I'm technically literate. Good to know that sticking with 10.04(the new gui was scary) was the right decision.

        Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:35:07 UTC from web
        1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony The new user interface of Ubuntu made me switch to KDE on OpenSUSE and XFCE on Arch Linux :/

          Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:40:40 UTC from web
          1. @the20percent It's not like gnome 3 was any better. It'll get better though, it's not like KDE 4 actually worked until 4.3. :D

            Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:43:11 UTC from web
            1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony true enough :D

              Monday, 09-Jan-12 22:52:32 UTC from web