

  1. So, lately I've been thinking of starting to review some indie video games, because Celestia knows they could use the publicity. What does RDN think?

    Thursday, 12-Jan-12 01:51:30 UTC from web
    1. @lifegospel Go for it. Going to start a blog or something?

      Thursday, 12-Jan-12 01:53:18 UTC from web
      1. @scribus That's the plan.

        Thursday, 12-Jan-12 01:54:32 UTC from web
    2. @lifegospel Go for it! Stock 'em full of MLP references! Maybe even do it from the points of view of the characters! That might propel their popularity!

      Thursday, 12-Jan-12 01:53:18 UTC from web
      1. @getacutiemark Well that's what I was thinking. There's already an angry British man who reviews things, and I don't want to steal his thunder.

        Thursday, 12-Jan-12 01:54:21 UTC from web
        1. @lifegospel Good luck! I hope it becomes successful.

          Thursday, 12-Jan-12 01:58:18 UTC from web