

  1. A claim of stolen artwork has been made regarding the logo of The claim has been made both email and the comments at Equestria Daily. I am investigating the claim and will have more when I get more information... Incase of takedown notice, remember to visit, incase that goes down, our twitter is RBDNstatusnbans.

    Saturday, 30-Apr-11 10:50:56 UTC from web
    1. @administrator I saw the comments on EqD... just wow. I hope it gets taken care of in the best way possible.

      Saturday, 30-Apr-11 11:01:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @administrator see, claiming stolen artwork of fanart for a show to try to get a logo from a website removed is kind of a -censored- move. I'm going to be unwatching them on DA after this, and I though this community was supposed to be about sharing and caring. Oh well, I'm sure you could find someone else with better art that isn't a total -censored- about art they cant even claim copyright to, BECAUSE ITS NOT ORIGINAL. (I don't think they realize MLP is copyright Hasbro)

      Saturday, 30-Apr-11 13:21:21 UTC from web
      1. @strawberryspice Some people take it way to srsly.

        Saturday, 30-Apr-11 13:24:34 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      2. @strawberryspice It's being handled, I'm just waiting for the cliament to get back to me via email with the stuff I require to take it down. As far as I know, the person who submitted it under the 3.0 Commons Attribution license made that declaration simply by emailing it to me, and under that license I am required to uphold that Dec. until evidence to the contrary is supplied. Its like wikipedia, bureaucratic, but thats how its done.

        Saturday, 30-Apr-11 13:30:37 UTC from web
        1. @administrator I dont get that copyright... aren't they already breaking the hasbro copyright anyway?

          Saturday, 30-Apr-11 13:59:08 UTC from web
          1. @strawberryspice Fanart and fanfics are fair use under USA law...

            Saturday, 30-Apr-11 14:01:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          2. @strawberryspice I think its modified enough to qualify as a OC. I also have other concerns... but as much as I can say ATM.

            Saturday, 30-Apr-11 14:04:39 UTC from web
      3. @strawberryspice I'm sorry that you feel that way. And I know that the character is copywrite hasbro. Honestly, I'm flattered that my art was used, however it took a lot of work to make that particular art - more than a non-artist would realize - and I just want proper credit for it. I don't mind that it's being used for a logo, and don't even want it taken down - but it's something I labored over, and want to be shown appreciation for the work that I did, other than finding it posted to a site that I had asked the administrator not to post it to as of yet.

        Saturday, 30-Apr-11 14:52:20 UTC from web
        1. @inkwellpony oh hi inkwell, I love your stuff. Your pony study sketch has gotten me into trying to draw, and I used to say I hated art :)

          Saturday, 30-Apr-11 14:55:06 UTC from web
          1. @starshine -(Laughs)- You'd be surprised how often I hear that. Honestly, drawing only takes practice. Lots and lots of practice. Talent generally is secondary, although I don't discount that it does help a lot. ^^

            Saturday, 30-Apr-11 15:10:23 UTC from web
        2. @inkwellpony Don't post it on the internet if you're not prepared for this kind of thing. It's gonna happen a lot.

          Saturday, 30-Apr-11 20:07:38 UTC from web
          1. @strawberryspice Actually, he was very prepared, judging from his comments on EqD and communicated effectively at the source.

            Saturday, 30-Apr-11 20:13:26 UTC from web
          2. @strawberryspice; I am prepared for this sorta thing to happen. It's part of what happens to artists everywhere. But just because it happens, it doesn't mean I should do nothing when it is brought to my attention. I spent a lot of time working on it, and I just wanted to get some credit for what I had done. Somewhere where the picture is actually viewed, not on a side chat that you'd have to actively dig for.

            Sunday, 01-May-11 04:12:27 UTC from web