

  1. Gawd my Internet is horrible tonight. :c

    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:01:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @yodelerty I'm on AT&T, the worst DSL in the USA. acronyms!

      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:01:35 UTC from web
      1. @getacutiemark I'm on Telus, which is like Canada's AT&T.

        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:02:33 UTC from web
        1. @yodelerty Ew, Telus

          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:03:26 UTC from web
          1. @tenmihara I know. I'm pretty sure our Internet hasn't been upgraded in several years.

            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:04:28 UTC from web
            1. @yodelerty well, atleast you wont have to deal with SOPA, right?

              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:05:20 UTC from web
            2. @yodelerty I have heard nothing good about them, in spite of their award winning advertisments =P

              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:07:39 UTC from web
              1. @tenmihara I like their ads, but their Internet service is sh**.

                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:09:52 UTC from web
                1. @yodelerty Ads are awesome. I like the MLP ads. if you have hub in Canada, did you see the Chinese New Year one?

                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:12:52 UTC from web
                  1. @getacutiemark Nope, no Hub.

                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:14:11 UTC from web
                    1. @yodelerty where does MLP air then?

                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:15:18 UTC from web
                      1. @getacutiemark Treehouse, a channel for toddlers. :/

                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:16:35 UTC from web
                        1. @yodelerty Hub is basically a 24-hour hasbro ad

                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:17:31 UTC from web
                          1. @getacutiemark I never get a chance to watch ponies on TV, anyway. I'm always at school or asleep.

                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:18:59 UTC from web
                            1. @yodelerty it airs on saturdays here. lots of ads.

                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:19:37 UTC from web
                              1. @getacutiemark There are no ads when it airs here, so I guess that's a plus. There's no HD channel, though.

                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:20:35 UTC from web
                                1. @yodelerty thats why i am a pirate(i am indian, after all)

                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:21:45 UTC from web
                                  1. @getacutiemark I love dat pirating! :D

                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:23:22 UTC from web
                                    1. @yodelerty arggg. my friend at school gave me all the episodes in 1080P. Take THAT, US congress! (i might get banned for this)

                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:24:16 UTC from web
                            2. @yodelerty Do you have a 360 or PS3? Just download an HD episode onto a USB stick, phone etc, plug it in via Micro USB and Bob's your uncle, you are now watching ponies on TV. ^^...Well, sort of. Closest I've come to it anyway xD

                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:24:08 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @leonkfox I have a PS3, and all the episodes are on it right now. :D

                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:25:00 UTC from web
                                1. @yodelerty I have this app called AirPlayit on my iPod touch and my dad's iPhone which allows me to stream stuff from my computer at home. All the episodes! :D

                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:26:01 UTC from web
                                2. @yodelerty I have everything up to Hearth's Warming Eve. Stopped downloading when Hasbro put their foot down (I respect their wishes, and will procure legitimate episodes as soon as they are available)

                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:26:45 UTC from web
                                  1. @tenmihara I'm not gonna stop downloading episodes until Hasbro provides me with a legitimate way of obtaining them.

                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:28:28 UTC from web
                                    1. @yodelerty iTunes not available in Canada?

                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:29:07 UTC from web
                                      1. @getacutiemark iTunes is; the show isn't.

                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:29:43 UTC from web
                                        1. @yodelerty darn... i find it interesting that redirects to

                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:30:24 UTC from web
                                          1. @getacutiemark Yeah, I know. It's almost like it's telling you something... >.>

                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:31:15 UTC from web
                                            1. @yodelerty Buck you hasbro. amirite?

                                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:32:33 UTC from web
                                              1. @getacutiemark I really, really want a legal copy, but they won't offer me a 1080p one to throw my money at...

                                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:34:15 UTC from web
                                                1. @eaglehooves I understand. Support the people who do their job! I actually would like it if it was independent. Like, once it stops airing, the production crew would make it a web cartoon. like cartoon without hasbro being a middleman

                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:35:48 UTC from web
                                              2. @getacutiemark Nah, Hasbro has been cool to us, I guess. They've let PMVs and stuff stay, at least. They just need to think of other countries besides the one they're based in.

                                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:34:59 UTC from web
                                                1. @yodelerty isnt MLP produced in Canada anyways?

                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:36:07 UTC from web
                                                  1. @getacutiemark Studio B is, but Hasbro is American.

                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:38:03 UTC from web
                                                    1. @eaglehooves fair enough

                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:39:25 UTC from web
                                                  2. @getacutiemark It is, but Hasbro's American.

                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:38:46 UTC from web
                                                    1. @yodelerty fair enough

                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:39:53 UTC from web
                                                2. @yodelerty PMVs.... have you ever seen PON PON PON by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu(crazy J-pop)

                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:37:01 UTC from web
                                                3. @yodelerty They actually mentioned something about that; contracts with local broadcasting companies (such as Treehouse here in Canada) would be infringed if they released episodes before the show finishes it's primary run

                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:37:08 UTC from web
                                                  1. @tenmihara btw, who is the author? i have too many results on Fimfiction

                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:38:14 UTC from web
                                                    1. @getacutiemark The original story isn't on FiM Fiction (I think) Kkat is the author's name. Here ya go

                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:40:24 UTC from web
                                                      1. @tenmihara its blocked on my work computer...i'll check it out tomorrow

                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:41:25 UTC from web
                                                        1. @getacutiemark O.o They actually know enough about EqD to block it? Or do they just use a whitelist?

                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:43:09 UTC from web
                                                          1. @eaglehooves they know.

                                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:43:52 UTC from web
                                                        2. @getacutiemark Get back to me when you do; I love discussing the story. Be warned though; you may get attached to the characters. I cried no less than a dozen times through the reading of it

                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:43:27 UTC from web
                                                          1. @tenmihara i will definitely read it soon!

                                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:44:40 UTC from web
                                                            1. @getacutiemark Awesome ^^ Hope you like it; I'll be the first to admit it's not for everypony, but for those who can handle it, there's nothing else like it

                                                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:49:44 UTC from web
                                                  2. @tenmihara We have the first season, so why can't they release that?

                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:39:08 UTC from web
                                                4. @yodelerty I download them all via YouTube because Boomerang suck for airing MLP episodes, we still have to see a single episode of Season 2 over here and without YouTube we would all be waaayyy behind on the show and its episodes)

                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:37:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                  1. @leonkfox I found someone that's uploaded them all in 720p and color corrected.

                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:39:37 UTC from web
                                                    1. @colfax If I may ask...colour corrected? (I know what it means xD I mean...what's wrong with the colours on other uploads? All the ones I have on my phone look fine)

                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:42:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                      1. @leonkfox The itunes uploads seem to have the colors washed out of them a bit.

                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:43:30 UTC from web
                                                      2. @leonkfox You mean... Color? ¯\(°_o)/¯

                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:43:38 UTC from web
                                                        1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Only in America. Everywhere else uses colour.

                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:44:16 UTC from web
                                                          1. @yodelerty Once again, an 'Only in America' saying. AMERICA APPROVES.

                                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:45:26 UTC from web
                                                            1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor USA! USA! USA! SOPA!

                                                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:46:06 UTC from web
                                                            2. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor AMERICA ALWAYS APPROVES OF THEIR OWN SPELLING.

                                                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:46:17 UTC from web
                                                              1. @yodelerty U mad rest of planet?

                                                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:47:22 UTC from web
                                                                1. @eaglehooves We mad, America! >:c

                                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:49:10 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @yodelerty We're mad at ourselves, you'll have to wait. :p

                                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:51:07 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @eaglehooves Yeah, I know, but it doesn't mean I can't be mad in the meantime!

                                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:52:38 UTC from web
                                                              2. @yodelerty america is the world! everyone else is irrelevant! Am I right, fellow americans? (sarcasm)

                                                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:47:34 UTC from web
                                                                1. @getacutiemark Yes! CAPITALISM AND WARS FOR NO REASONS FOR ALL.

                                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:48:24 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor No, there's reasons for them... they're just really REALLY stupid reasons.

                                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:49:09 UTC from web
                                                                  2. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor (captian obvious thinks so :)

                                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:49:45 UTC from web
                                                        2. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor No, the word is spelt differently. If spoken in an English accent, dialect etc the American "Color" reads as "Co-LORE" not saying it's incorrect to spell it as "Color" just saying it's different here.

                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:45:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                          1. @leonkfox Actually it is CORRECT. The 'OU' suggests Col-oor.

                                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:46:34 UTC from web
                                                            1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Um, like I said, it reads differently to English people than it does to Americans, hence the different spelling o.o You're reading the English spelling in an American dialect, like I said previously the American one if pronounced by me would come off as "Co-Lore" but why is this even being made into an issue anyway?

                                                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:49:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                              1. @leonkfox America is an English country. Just like Mexico speaks Spanish and not Mexican, We speak English and not American.

                                                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:51:06 UTC from web
                                                                1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor The languange came from England before it was ever used in America :S

                                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:53:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                                  1. @leonkfox And yet we defeated England many-a-times. So therefore we win. Also England is mean. Hence the Revolutionary War.

                                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:53:57 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Ok, you really need to stop talking before you hurt yourself...

                                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:54:51 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @colfax I'll talk if I wish. This is America, baby! WOOOHOOO!

                                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:55:55 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Maybe, but this site isn't a democracy.

                                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:56:25 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @colfax So what? I'll keep arguing if I wish.

                                                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:57:38 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Like I said, this site isn't a democracy... and I'm one of those that help run it, care to rethink the attitude a bit?

                                                                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:58:58 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @colfax Oh big whoop. I won't be turned away by threats. But yes. ARGUMENT OVER. I already ended it.

                                                                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 06:02:35 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Well, not me only.

                                                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 06:03:00 UTC from web
                                                                    2. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor I can't believe I'm seriously getting into this argument over me spelling the word "Color" the way it is where I come from. This is ridiculous, you do know that right?

                                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:55:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                                      1. @leonkfox (Yes. You caught on to my scheme. I spell it Colour too, anyways.)

                                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:57:14 UTC from web
                                                                    3. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor >Generalising an entire nation over what their governments did 300 years ago.

                                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:57:22 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @princessweetiebelle Hey, it's what happens everywhere in the Universe.

                                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:58:16 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Case in Point; Everyone still hates The Doctor for killing his own race 900 years ago.

                                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:59:15 UTC from web
                                                                    4. @technopony0vinylscratchrecollor Also, English is not an American property just because the US is a superpower. It belongs to everyone that speaks it. America has no official language, either. Please stop with the nationalism, I think you're offending people.

                                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:59:20 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @princessweetiebelle So what? I was born to do that. BE OFFENDED. Have fun being Butthurt.

                                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 06:00:03 UTC from web
                                                                      2. @princessweetiebelle american english is. But, english is a very practical and straightforward language. it should be with everybody!

                                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 06:00:20 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @getacutiemark It's also one of the most confusingly cherries-backwards languages to have to learn if it's not your first language.

                                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 06:01:44 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @colfax yeah. it is. but its practical to learn

                                                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 06:03:02 UTC from web
                                                              2. @leonkfox Because someone was obviously bored.

                                                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:51:07 UTC from web
                                                                1. @colfax Indeed.

                                                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:57:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                  2. @leonkfox We haven't got a single season 2 episode either. And the show is basically made here!

                                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:39:50 UTC from web
                                                    1. @yodelerty :/ To quote, "That is some ol' bull****" it really is. I would prefer to support the show properly, but until an import friendly DVD comes around...yeah.

                                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:41:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                      1. @leonkfox Or a Blu-ray, so I can orgasm at the 1080p goodness.

                                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:42:37 UTC from web
                                                        1. @yodelerty I would finally pony up the money for a blu-ray player if they did that.

                                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:43:44 UTC from web
                                                          1. @eaglehooves

                                                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:44:51 UTC from web
                                3. @yodelerty Or you could be a smart person and copy them to the PS3's hard drive...that works too :P (I already have, but all I thought of just then was plugging in a USB device xD)

                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:27:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  2. @getacutiemark Canucks get Ponies on Treehouse TV, no Hub there

                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:17:19 UTC from web
                    1. @princessweetiebelle i don't like the ad breaks on hub, too long!!!

                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:17:59 UTC from web
                      1. @getacutiemark Haha my Austrian friend who watches new pony episodes on Stream complains about how there's so many ads, too. xD I guess it's an American thing

                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:19:32 UTC from web
                        1. @princessweetiebelle yeah. nothing compared to Indian ads, though. I was once watching "Air Crash Investigations" on natgeo india. 30 minute commercial break! 30 MINUTES!!! D:

                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:21:16 UTC from web
                        2. @princessweetiebelle On the odd occasion here and there I'll watch wrestling shows online, streaming from US channels, and the adverts are so obnonxious and high in quantity, I don't envy them at all in that regard! And yet people here moan about "Go Compare" which has bearable adverts by comparison!

                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:21:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @leonkfox Haha that's why I prefer to get physical copies of movies and TV shows, so I don't have to sit through ads

                            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:24:36 UTC from web
                            1. @princessweetiebelle Can't say I blame you. :P

                              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:26:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @leonkfox Take me to Britainland, where the ads have sexy accent

                                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:28:19 UTC from web
                                1. @princessweetiebelle I know I'm changing the subject here, but about half a year ago you told me you knew me from an old site (presumably going back to 04-05) and if you'll pardon me asking, who WERE you? It's been driving my curiosity crazy for months. ^^; (you can PM me, or not answer at all if you'd prefer if you so wish xD Just asking out of the blue is all)

                                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:36:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @leonkfox Messaged you~

                                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:43:58 UTC from web
                                    1. @princessweetiebelle Read your message...would you banish me to the moon if I said I didn't really remember that username too well as it had been a while? ^^;

                                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:46:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                      1. @leonkfox Nah really, and I dont have that power anyway!

                                        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:52:22 UTC from web
                                        1. @princessweetiebelle Oh, well that's good :D

                                          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:53:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @yodelerty they provide home internet services? mine drops every 30min. 1.5Mbps down/768Mbps up MAX

          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:03:44 UTC from web
          1. @getacutiemark My download speeds cap at about 160 kb/s. No idea about upload.

            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:05:23 UTC from web
            1. @yodelerty that is terrible. youtube buffering must take FOREVER!!!

              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:07:13 UTC from web
              1. @getacutiemark Yup. I can't watch anything 720p and up without waiting for a bit. 480p sometimes works okay.

                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:08:33 UTC from web
                1. @yodelerty i only go 240 or 360 most of the time. 480 seems too overwhelming for my connection

                  Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:09:34 UTC from web
                  1. @getacutiemark 'Cause it always drops?

                    Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:11:18 UTC from web
                    1. @yodelerty yeah. it drops more basses than DJpon3(too bad i never get to stream them)

                      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:11:58 UTC from web
    2. @princessweetiebelle That sounds like the best thing.

      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:23:37 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty @princesssweetiebelle the ones i see on my channels are mostly beauty products and cars

        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:24:57 UTC from web
      2. @yodelerty It so bloody is. xD

        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:25:19 UTC from web
    3. @princessweetiebelle yeah. indian ads are also funny! BTW, are you indian? O.O

      Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:23:38 UTC from web
      1. @getacutiemark Nope, American with Russian background, I've just seen a few Indian commercials on Youtube

        Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:25:53 UTC from web
        1. @princessweetiebelle awww... i am probably the only indian brony I know. maybe its the culture?

          Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:26:38 UTC from web
          1. @getacutiemark From what I know, many Indians are close-tact with their culture, so that's probably it. I'd love to see some more bronies from Asia and Africa~ most I know are from Europe and the Americas

            Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:30:16 UTC from web
            1. @princessweetiebelle yeah, indians hate me for it. My brother is a brony, though! :D

              Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:31:18 UTC from web
              1. @getacutiemark Awesome! is he on here too~?

                Thursday, 19-Jan-12 05:37:00 UTC from web