

  1. Nest of a bed - check. Hot water bottle - check. Flutterdash and Cheerimac fic - check. Lucky RD - check. Time for bed!

    Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 01:58:19 UTC from web
    1. @stereosounds g'night

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 01:58:36 UTC from web
    2. @stereosounds nice

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 01:59:00 UTC from web
    3. @stereosounds since I am a huge cheapwad and a proponent for all information being free, I don't have any *bought* pony stuff... I just keep my ponies in my mind, to be dancing around my iron curtain that I call a mind...

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 02:00:48 UTC from web