

  1. When you guys write with one hand do you sometimes slide your thump against your spacebar? :)

    Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 19:39:59 UTC from web
    1. @rozeluck My thumb rests against the spacebar by default, so yes.

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 19:40:56 UTC from web
      1. @triscy People write with one hand?!?!

        Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 19:42:37 UTC from web
        1. @minti When I'm being forced to pet my dog while typing something? Yes.

          Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 19:43:12 UTC from web
    2. @rozeluck Not really. When typing one-handed, my hand usually floats above the keyboard higher than it does when I type two-handed.

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 19:41:56 UTC from web
    3. @rozeluck Nope, when I write with two hands, my hands rest aganist the table. When I type with only one, my hand floats above the keyboard, since I have to move it from one part to another of it.

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 19:44:04 UTC from web