

  1. I need some help guys. So I'm playing a serial killer in Skyrim, and his backstory/reasoning for all his serial killings is rooted in a deep hatred for his abusive father that has made him somewhat psychotic when he comes across characters that exhibit similar traits to his dad. I want some help piecing together a good description of his dad to avoid just turning to every male character in the game and saying "You're like my dad! You die!" So please offer me your ideas for what his father was like.

    Thursday, 23-Feb-12 04:52:07 UTC from web
    1. @triscy He was a kitten juggler with six fingers on each hand that likee to beat his kids with leeks.

      Thursday, 23-Feb-12 04:56:09 UTC from web
      1. @colfax XD A little more serios 'den dat. I need something I could legitimately work off of in the world of Skyrim.

        Thursday, 23-Feb-12 04:56:43 UTC from web
    2. @triscy I'd think he was the product of his own father's abuse, as is usually the case irl. He might have been a depressed layabout that took out his aggression on those closest to him. That type of individual has no other way of coping with stress, in other words they're poor communicators and usually self medicate with drugs, alcohol, hookers, etc.

      Thursday, 23-Feb-12 05:09:03 UTC from web