

  1. Hey everybody, your friendly neighborhood Chama here! =D I'm just letting you guys know that on March 9th at the UNM (University of New Mexico) campus in Albuquerque I will be hosting a meetup with my fellow Bronies! It'll be held from 12:00 - 4:00 that evening in the Student Union Building, Spirit Room. Anyone who needs directions can call me and I'll help as much as I can.

    Wednesday, 29-Feb-12 02:21:54 UTC from web
    1. @rabidchama I wish I didn't have work Friday. When's the next one?

      Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 07:15:38 UTC from web
      1. @duplexfields This will, in no way, be our last Meetup unless absolutely no one comes. I'm sure we'll have a small, but strong, group there, so we'll start plans on the next Meetup after this first trial run is over. =) Who knows, it may be a good thing, you

        Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 15:24:31 UTC from web
        1. @rabidchama So the next one will go up on EqD?

          Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 15:46:31 UTC from web