RT @cavatina RIGHT EVERYPONY LISTEN UP. Fill in your contact information here! Its a database of everyones information, for easy access when the site bites the dust!
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:48:55 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 @scribbs Someone seems to be trolling it and deleting stuff.
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:51:03 UTC from Choqok-
@omni i can tell...
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:51:19 UTC from web -
@omni i can tell...wish i never bothered...
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:51:37 UTC from web -
@omni >>mfw
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:51:43 UTC from web -
@omni Considering it's only known to people within this community, one has to wonder, quite frankly, if this is a community worth saving.
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:54:04 UTC from web-
@astra It's not. Friends should remain in contact, but burn the whole thing.
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:54:53 UTC from web-
@trixiethewonderful i was gonna work out something else but too late now..
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:56:05 UTC from web-
@cavatina -shrug- record the info yourself.
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:57:04 UTC from web-
@trixiethewonderful i wouldnt be able to keep up and i'd miss people and would screw it up even more >.<
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:57:41 UTC from web-
@cavatina make a thread on another site that cant be edited. like a forum.
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:58:19 UTC from web
@astra Every community has people like that, can't blame the whole community for that.
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:55:01 UTC from Choqok
@scribbs i cant undestand that D=
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:51:27 UTC from web