

  1. To all toy-collecting bronies: does the walk through the girls' aisle before getting to the boys' section get less awkward the more you do it??

    Monday, 09-May-11 10:48:33 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin First time was pretty awkward, but the more you do it the less awkward it becomes.

      Monday, 09-May-11 10:52:06 UTC from web
      1. @laetificat That's great to hear! This was only the second time I'd done it.

        Monday, 09-May-11 10:57:21 UTC from web
    2. @rotation Ha ha ha ha ha! Heck no. It's all the G3(?) stuff.

      Monday, 09-May-11 10:57:44 UTC from web
    3. @rotation A car sticker? Saying what?

      Monday, 09-May-11 11:04:13 UTC from web
    4. @rotation "My other ride is a pegasus."

      Monday, 09-May-11 11:11:38 UTC from web
    5. @thelastgherkin It is a lot less difficult than you think. Honestly, most people you see in the store don't know you, so they don't care what you do. Just act natural, and you will be fine.

      Monday, 09-May-11 11:16:01 UTC from web
      1. @ristar You're probably right. Presumably they get loads of adult toy collectors in! That said, I've only ever met one.

        Monday, 09-May-11 11:19:48 UTC from web
    6. @rotation It's things like these that make me wish I had a car. Unfortunately, I can only use public transport. #

      Monday, 09-May-11 11:17:59 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin lolz

        Monday, 09-May-11 11:22:46 UTC from web