

  1. Well, after purplephish20's post, I feel like a murdock for even thinking about posting this. The post he linked to is *much* more serious and heartbreaking than my current dillema. But here it is, I suppose. #

    Monday, 12-Mar-12 00:58:43 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @sebastian1314 ah, try not to worry about it too much. I know how intimidating that pink isle can be. Society is pretty oppressive in some ways, it can be hard for some people to break out openly. Don't worry about lacking courage in that respect, there are many forms of courage, and really, being able to buy a girl's toy isn't a very important kind of courage

      Monday, 12-Mar-12 01:02:11 UTC from web
      1. @trister I suppose you are right. Still though, it's more than just that. I have to stop worrying how others percieve me, like I said towards the end there. I can't be who society wants me to be; I have to be myself. Still though, thanks for the encouraging words =)

        Monday, 12-Mar-12 01:05:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @sebastian1314 I get you in that respect as well. But, like I said, society can be a pretty hard thing to go against, especially alone. I remained pretty quiet about being a brony until fairly recently. But since I know a few people who like the show and are near to me then it's not so bad. you don't have to show the world that you're different, just don't do anything that you disagree with because of pressures of society. The confidence thing you can work on, and, in time, you might not find things so bad. Things like that don't often change overnight, so just take baby steps

          Monday, 12-Mar-12 01:08:59 UTC from web
          1. @trister True. That made me feel better; thanks! =) But how would you recommend going about it? Baby steps, but how?

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 01:11:31 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @sebastian1314 hm, that's rather subjective I'm afraid, without knowing your exact situation I can't say for sure. Maybe just be a bit more open about the show in your everyday life. You said your friends don't know about it, right? so maybe try talking to one of them about it, if you think they are likely to be alright with it. There's a video by CR on the thatguywiththeglasses website that does a pretty good job of explaining the G4 craze. If you want to buy something, maybe try to find a place with self-service checkout? That's how I do my pony shopping, though I always end up messing up and having to call the staff over =D if not then do the friend thing first, and get them to go with you. those kind of things are easier when you aren't alone.

              Monday, 12-Mar-12 01:19:02 UTC from web
              1. @trister Ah good ideas!!! =D But see, I just moved, so all my good friends aren't with me. I have a few good friends here, but they don't know me well enough to appreciate and accept MLP as just another part of who I am. =/ It takes time to build up a good friendship.

                Monday, 12-Mar-12 03:11:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @sebastian1314 ah, I see. Well give it some time then, work on building up your friendships before you bring up Ponies. But then, it might not be as bad as you think if you talked to them about it now. I revealed to about a third of mu university course that I liked ponies during a creative writing session, it got around and now pretty much everyone knows. They think it's weird but they haven't stopped being friends with me, even though they'd only known me for a couple of months.

                  Monday, 12-Mar-12 10:48:10 UTC from web