Notices tagged with bronyproblems

  1. @scorch eeyup. #

    Monday, 14-May-12 06:30:22 UTC from web in context
  2. Hasn't seen season finale; can't go on most brony websites 'cause of spoilers. #

    Monday, 23-Apr-12 03:24:53 UTC from web in context
  3. Well, after purplephish20's post, I feel like a murdock for even thinking about posting this. The post he linked to is *much* more serious and heartbreaking than my current dillema. But here it is, I suppose. #

    Monday, 12-Mar-12 00:58:43 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  4. I'm torn between reading real books and fanfic. Help. #

    Friday, 26-Aug-11 05:09:24 UTC from web in context