

  1. @mrdragon But I should have trusted you more and let you do your thing. I was still in the wrong... But I guess the past is past now, the damage already done. I'll figure out some way to repay you.

    Thursday, 15-Mar-12 17:36:48 UTC from web
    1. @lightningcrash You don't need to repay me, I've been doing the job on an administrator since I was 12 and that was 8 years ago. Everything will work out just fine, improvisation is my speciality.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 17:38:07 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon So you're 20? :p

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 17:38:58 UTC from web
        1. @minti Since the 13th of last month

          Thursday, 15-Mar-12 17:39:12 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon Oh wow, I'm exactly two months older than you. Yay for having close birthdays! xD

            Thursday, 15-Mar-12 17:39:49 UTC from web
            1. @minti two months older in the number, but about 18 yeras older in maturity :P

              Thursday, 15-Mar-12 17:40:15 UTC from web
              1. @mrdragon Haha maybe. I personally enjoy acting like a goofball rather than an overly-mature person because it makes everyone else around me happy. :p But I can be mature when I want to!

                Thursday, 15-Mar-12 17:41:55 UTC from web