

  1. Hey ponies. *wave*

    Saturday, 17-Mar-12 21:56:38 UTC from web
    1. @drewdle Gasp! Hello.

      Saturday, 17-Mar-12 21:57:06 UTC from web
      1. @rotation @greydragon412 @nerthos Yep, been gone awhile. University. Been watching the show but otherwise keeping a low profile. *grin* Almost done uni for the year though.

        Saturday, 17-Mar-12 21:58:58 UTC from web
    2. @drewdle Oooh! I saw you last time like, an eternity ago!

      Saturday, 17-Mar-12 21:57:31 UTC from web
    3. @drewdle Hello. *wave*

      Saturday, 17-Mar-12 21:58:10 UTC from StatusNet Android