

  1. Heyawr....*falls out of the ceiling*

    Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:31:04 UTC from web
    1. @cavatina ohai! #

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:32:04 UTC from web
      1. @purplephish20 :D Hello!

        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:37:27 UTC from web
    2. @greydragon412 B-b-b the lurkspot...o3o

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:37:47 UTC from web
    3. @cavatina You really need to work more on your balance.

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:37:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @redenchilada Yeah :c *looks up at the hole* I'll stay down here now though :3

        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:38:45 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 I keep it nice and clean thoughhhh! dont i @scribbs! X3

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:41:23 UTC from web
      1. @cavatina Yup :3

        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:41:55 UTC from web
        1. @scribbs im 17 minutes into the video... youve just sang twilightlicious one minute ago

          Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:42:51 UTC from web
          1. @purplephish20 Hehe :3

            Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:44:33 UTC from web
            1. @scribbs OMG Man dressed as a milkshake!

              Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:46:47 UTC from web
              1. @purplephish20 That was unexpected xD Though I did get a brohoof out of it x3

                Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:48:01 UTC from web
                1. @scribbs i dont actually know the original...well i do, but only seen once...

                  Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:49:12 UTC from web
                  1. @cavatina Well, Little Emerald was singing it almost all day anyway xD

                    Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:53:22 UTC from web
                    1. @scribbs Srsly though when did you become so confident? so much for shy. XD

                      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:54:59 UTC from web
                    2. @scribbs A shy person wouldnt have engaged in the potential humiliation XD <3

                      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:55:45 UTC from web
                    3. @scribbs @cavatina ive said to @leonkfox that there needs to be some super size meetup arranged... further down south from the !yorkshire ones at leeds, and further north than... wherever you guys are :s.... Have one big meetup! I'd go in a heartbeat! I wanna meet all you guys and buy you beer/cider cider cider cider cider

                      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:56:20 UTC from web
                      1. @purplephish20 Manchester. Thats the best place for it IMO, its the most central place that isnt birmingam o3o

                        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:56:52 UTC from web
                      2. @purplephish20 @scribbs @cavatina It does sound like an awesome idea ^^ Just...I can't think of an ideal location for it.

                        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 15:02:23 UTC from web
                      3. @purplephish20 aw, a huge meetup sounds fun but I don't think some of the more northern attendees of the !yorkshire meetups would be able to make it, myself included. Still, a large meetup would be cool to hear about

                        Monday, 19-Mar-12 00:01:26 UTC from web
                        1. @trister yeah, my thoughts were that many groups in different areas could disregard a meetup or 2, for the sake of a giant one around....... birmingham, lets say.... imagine the numbers!

                          Monday, 19-Mar-12 00:03:04 UTC from web
                          1. @purplephish20 I would certainly try to attend, but I dunno if I'd be able to

                            Monday, 19-Mar-12 00:06:34 UTC from web
                2. @scribbs your singing voice is funny and adorable X3 its full of accent~

                  Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:54:18 UTC from web
          2. @purplephish20 o3o link please ) (i have access~)

            Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:44:56 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina

              Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:45:10 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 Manchester i just think is the NICEST central location in the UK for meets at least, massive train station too, with a bus station nearby, so the meet could end and begin in picadilly :3

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 15:00:52 UTC from web
    6. @greydragon412 Yeah...i might be able to get Ramona to come if its in Manchester too, she'd love to go to one :3

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 15:01:59 UTC from web