

  1. !Yorkshire bananas it guys! I'm going to come! I had so much fun last time it was worth the negative consequences. Ill just plan my coverup story better. And I'll just have to remember to pay cash for everything this time so I dont leave a trail xD

    Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:31:53 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 Cash is best currency!

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:34:10 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos basically i went to a meetup, and a month or so later my mum opened my bank statement, saw it said i'd made a transaction in leeds; as far as she knew i've never been to leeds. So what followed was a massive confrontation accusing me of me hiding the fact that I clearly snuck out with a load of homosexual mates to have a big gay day out at all the bars.........

        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:36:56 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 Alternatively, in advance, "hey mom, I'm heading to Leeds with some friends to see a concert." If she asks, you're seeing the Wonderbolts give out a free concert by some significant landmark, and you and your friends are going to check out some other stuff whilr you're there.

          Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:42:33 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @redenchilada concerts start at 8 at night..... that doesnt work

            Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:43:19 UTC from web
            1. @purplephish20 Says who? The Wonderbolts are an eccentric band. They perform early. The sun is a major centerpiece in their music, after all!

              Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:45:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
      2. @nerthos that was genuinely her reaction.... And I cant tell her the truth....

        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:37:15 UTC from web
    2. @ponyray @greydragon412 @redenchilada eeyup..... Thats probably partly my fault for just leaving the house at 7:30 am and saying "im off to meadowhall with mates" and then getting back at 7pm.....

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 14:41:41 UTC from web
    3. !yorkshirebronies @purplephish20 awesome! good to hear you're going to be attending!

      Sunday, 18-Mar-12 23:51:53 UTC from web
      1. @trister yay... ive decided....f*** problems. im braeburn!

        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 23:52:35 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 that's how it's done! no fear! it's the Pony way!

          Monday, 19-Mar-12 00:04:33 UTC from web
      2. @trister just for the record, greydragons picture is a copy of this

        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 23:53:40 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 @zennx well that's certainly interesting

          Monday, 19-Mar-12 00:05:21 UTC from web