

  1. Y'know, someone sent me this image yesterday, and while I wasn't massivley into the whole "Save Derpy" thing, this does raise a pretty good point.

    Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 13:15:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @techdash42 :O

      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 13:15:42 UTC from web
    2. @leonkfox crackle certainly did fit the definition of "retard" in its most offensive term.... he was pretty much a brainless lump.... hardly inoffensive...

      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 13:16:52 UTC from web
      1. @purplephish20 Exactly.

        Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 13:18:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @leonkfox The people making those things should inform the relevant authorities of their views.

      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 13:30:29 UTC from web