

  1. I've been on this site for more than a year. In other words, I've wasted away more than a year of my life.

    Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:04:18 UTC from web
    1. @policeman Lol, I'm sure that time here is not wasted. It's productive to me, because I set this as my reward and I get stuff done :D (when I'm not being an idiot procrastinator)

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:05:40 UTC from web
      1. @dlcentaur No, it's totally wasted. I failed most of my classes last year because of it and I have no sort of control in terms of access. AKA: I learned nothing.

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:08:48 UTC from web
        1. @policeman Meh, that's a bummer. That's where self control and being boring enough to shut off your computer and do you r work comes in[/fc][/sp]

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:11:59 UTC from web
          1. @dlcentaur >my work is on the computer >I'm doomed

            Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:12:49 UTC from web
            1. @policeman Well, that's a bummer! Doing your work will take more determination now. It's going to be about 20% more difficult

              Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:17:36 UTC from web
              1. @dlcentaur But it may involve ponies

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:19:57 UTC from web
    2. @policeman "been on this site more than a year" >site was released publicly April 5th.

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:08:34 UTC from web
    3. @brony001 I am new as well :3

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:16:25 UTC from web