

  1. Dang, if I'm gonna run this bit mining stuff I'm gonna need to modify my cooling system, this thing is getting hot

    Saturday, 24-Mar-12 04:56:11 UTC from web
    1. @bicmacpony55 I've got... four fans in the case, one on the CPU, and two in the power supply. Looking into liquid cooling, but not sure how much room it needs.

      Saturday, 24-Mar-12 04:58:20 UTC from web
      1. @scribus I don't trust liquid cooling. Unless I can make absolute sure that nothing will be splattering all over my expensive computer, I'm never getting liquid cooling.

        Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:00:39 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @techdisk42 ...normally isn't the liquid in cooling systems non conductive?

          Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:01:16 UTC from web
          1. @techdisk42 Fair enough. @aeniug2 I honestly haven't looked into it enough to be sure... Makes sense, though.

            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:02:01 UTC from web
            1. @scribus 'cause I've seen computers completely immersed in vegetable oil for cooling..

              Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:03:03 UTC from web
              1. @aeniug2 Yeah, as have I...

                Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:03:14 UTC from web
          2. @aeniug2 no idea, but I still don't like that idea. If the liquid (whatever it is) gets outside the system, it also isn't cooling it, leading to a burnt out processor and maybe even part of the motherboard melted.

            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:04:09 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      2. @scribus Well I'm running this off a 2002 laptop xD

        Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:02:32 UTC from web
        1. @bicmacpony55 Oh, laptops are tricky for cooling...

          Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:03:02 UTC from web
          1. @scribus Yeah, it's gonna take some heavy modifications

            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:04:04 UTC from web
          2. @scribus I just add 2 of those cooling stands, each with extra fans. (I buy modular ones, and then move the fans from 2 of em onto one of em, and then use 2 of the ones with extra fans....)

            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:04:21 UTC from web
            1. @aeniug2 That's a bit complex for me at the moment... Think I'll stick to my b0xx3n...

              Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:06:11 UTC from web
          3. @scribus I just stuck my desk fan by the computer and have it blowing into the vents, it seems to be doing an incredible job at keeping it cool, even when using 100% of my cpu

            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 13:20:31 UTC from web