the sky looks great, lots of stars! which ponies are responsible for this?
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:03:31 UTC from web-
@getacutiemark Luna.
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:04:52 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:05:15 UTC from web
@minti woona
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:05:49 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:06:21 UTC from web
@getacutiemark cant i be for both lunar republic and solar empire?
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:06:59 UTC from web-
@joker how about harmony? keep the two together and defeat all the transformers fanboys(jkjk,my bro is obsessed with transformers prime now, so its irritating)
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:08:12 UTC from web-
@getacutiemark thats what im talkin bout, i really dont like to take side in the solar empire and the republic because i couldnt be against the one or the other
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:09:39 UTC from web-
@joker you can create the jokerdom?
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:10:41 UTC from web-
@getacutiemark jokerdom? ... that sounds weird
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:11:55 UTC from web-
@joker we can form the cupcake confederation :D
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:12:17 UTC from web-
@getacutiemark what about muffins?
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:13:08 UTC from web-
@joker or the Sugarcube Corner! We love everypony as much as we love cupcakes or muffins :D
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:14:00 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:15:41 UTC from web
@getacutiemark The Lunar Republic shall forever rule, once I get into music tech next year I'll probably do music styled for this particular group, sorta similar to For The New Lunar Republic
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:08:24 UTC from web-
@macpony55 nice.... i think you would do great in MuTech. Y u no do programming or 3d modeling though, those seem more your speed...
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:09:07 UTC from web-
@getacutiemark I can and am learning programming on the side outside of school, and if by 3D you mean Inventor I'm already fairly good with it and can easily learn more, Music however, I have already tried to learn by myself and ended up being fairly restricted
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:11:08 UTC from web
@minti Go back to lurking
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:07:01 UTC from web-
@stumperman No you. D:
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:07:46 UTC from web