

  1. Next up: I've got a big burly musician guy. Passive sort of personality. What instrument should he play? I was kind of leaning towards violin, but I dunno...

    Thursday, 12-May-11 09:38:23 UTC from web
    1. @theskyisfalling A BBM Would prob. a viola or a fiddle.

      Thursday, 12-May-11 09:40:20 UTC from web
    2. @theskyisfalling I think violin could work for a passive type of guy, and it's got its place in Mexican music. Guitar's pretty standard-issue & a little played-out, as well as looking too much like a "lead" instrument. Horns are too brash. Violin's a good one.

      Thursday, 12-May-11 09:46:20 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @scribus What about a viola? I would think it would work as well as a violin, has a less high pitched sound, and is far underused.

        Thursday, 12-May-11 09:47:47 UTC from web
        1. @onixus Viola's good, too. I was taking my opinion from a 5-minute dig into traditional Mexican music on Wikipedia, so CYS, I guess. :p

          Thursday, 12-May-11 09:51:31 UTC from StatusNet Android
      2. @scribus Oo, thanks! I'm glad a violin seems like a good instrument for him, I think I'll go with it. The main thing that was making me doubt it was I've got other characters from different works that play violin, but I guess there isn't really anything wrong with that...

        Thursday, 12-May-11 09:53:37 UTC from web