

  1. At my school, i had yet to find a brony, but today i found one: MY ENGLISH/HISTORY TEACHER! :O we were going to watch a holocaust-documentary on youtube, and on the reccomended videos-thing, there's a bunch of mlp-stuff. :D I just got a new favorite teacher :)

    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:05:54 UTC from web
    1. @derpyshy Congrats! It's taken me like 7 months, but I've found at least 3 other bronies in my school. We don't interact, and they don't really do much of the online stuff. But they are there.

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:07:36 UTC from web
      1. @lightningcrash you SHOULD interact! Arrange a get-together or something

        Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:11:18 UTC from web
        1. @crusader8 Eh... Our schedules aren't quite the most... compatible. #

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:13:50 UTC from web
          1. @lightningcrash look, all I'm saiyan is that love and tolerance will find a way.

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:18:00 UTC from web
      2. @lightningcrash There's one guy in class, that might be a brony, but he's more like a "I'm tough, and i could beat the crap out of you"-guy :P

        Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:16:45 UTC from web
    2. @derpyshy @lightningcrash @greydragon412 Lonely bronies unite!

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:09:40 UTC from web
    3. @greydragon412 :D

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:16:53 UTC from web