

  1. Just downloaded an awesome FiM theme for my PS3's. XMB and applied it, all from within the system. ^^ Gotta love how easy it is to download and install custom themes on a PS3. !vgp

    Saturday, 31-Mar-12 00:37:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @leonkfox heh, i need to ponify my ps3... just out of interest where can you get good mlp custom themes?

      Saturday, 31-Mar-12 19:26:56 UTC from web
      1. @pixeltwister Just search for Playstation 3 themes within the browser, you get tons of search results and they can be downloaded/installed from the system itself. I installed several and then applied my favourite to the XMB :)

        Saturday, 31-Mar-12 19:32:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid