

  1. Today is the one month mark since I started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. In this time, I've discovered an old friend who watches it too, as well as several people from university that also watch it. I also introduced another friend to it, and presented him with a free laptop loaded with ponies. I don't think I've ever smiled more in my entire life than in the last month :D

    Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:38:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @alexkay94 Now you're thinking with ponies. Good, is it not?

      Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:38:57 UTC from web
      1. @knoxemerald it feels amazing, if I knew about MLP sooner I would have started watching it ages ago!

        Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:41:26 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @alexkay94 Same here

          Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:43:00 UTC from web
    2. @alexkay94 You are a lucky man (or woman). Enjoy having others at your side. As for now, I stand alone. :)

      Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:39:25 UTC from web
      1. @dlcentaur surely there's some sort of meetup group in your area? If not, digital pony swag is your friend. Stealth wallpapers just draw bronies in, that's actually how I found one brony at university :)

        Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:43:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @alexkay94 I don't live on campus because I am going to a community College for that means wallpapers mean nothing. I'm living at my parent's house for the summer, and then heading off to Illinois to go to my Dream College. I'm attempting to get a Brony shirt...but, hey, I just got a job, so no money yet xD

          Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:46:28 UTC from web
          1. @dlcentaur I don't live on campus either, doesn't mean there won't be bronies in classes or lectures :)

            Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:50:54 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @alexkay94 Oh, how I wish...

              Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:51:10 UTC from web
        2. @alexkay94 And, no, if there are any groups in my area or on my campus I have seen or heard Nothing about them :P

          Saturday, 31-Mar-12 07:49:35 UTC from web