

  1. !ottawabronies Darn it! I gotta train myself to avoid hitting enter before I'm done...too usd to using it to get another paragraph going. Anyways, lots of people also seem to forget that even though you may not like the older gens (which is fine) it doesn't mean that you can insult the hard work of the VAs, animators, producers etc. who created those older programmes.

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 20:34:47 UTC from web
    1. !ottawabronies @djmidli Woo! Can't wait until it's out. As for the older G's, I liked Gen 1's episodes. I haven't seen any of Gen 2, and Gen 3's episodes were just plain boring. Wouldn't call them horrible, though. And @rainbowdashed makes a good point, even those shows had lots of time and effort put into them.

      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 20:38:06 UTC from web
      1. !ottawabronies @cakewalk I'm also looking forward to it coming out...and judging every single thing you said about the fandom 0.o (jokes)

        Sunday, 01-Apr-12 20:42:21 UTC from web
        1. !ottawabronies @rainbowdashed The horror! The Horror!! xD

          Sunday, 01-Apr-12 20:50:35 UTC from web