

  1. @flaxx yes I did. :3 @criticalcloudkicker nothing too much. We can;t figure out why my car smells like cat poop. But that's okay, because I can ICE CREAM

    Friday, 13-May-11 22:18:24 UTC from web
    1. @celery That's awesome. Ponies around here are really talented. It's quite inspiring. @extremedash Heh, the caged ones are almost worse for me. But that's probably just because they're often bigger than the wild ones you find around here.

      Friday, 13-May-11 22:20:50 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx if they are caged it doesn't bother me because they can't touch me but if they are out I'm gone

        Friday, 13-May-11 22:25:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @extremedash So, are you fine with looking at pictures of spiders? Because I can't. I kinda panic from just thinking of them. I once saw a pic that creeped me out so much that I couldn't even keep my feet on the ground because my brain kept telling me spiders were climbing on them.

          Friday, 13-May-11 22:27:06 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx oh god me too! and that picture where it's a big-murdock one on the ceiling and it surriounded by thousands of babies! I was checking my ceiling for days after seeing that!

            Friday, 13-May-11 22:28:28 UTC from web
            1. @celery Oh, don't remind me of that one... Damn it, I'm sitting in bed with my back to a pillow by the wall, so for all I know, one of those could be sitting right above my head. DAMN YOU, BRAIN! Now I can't get the picture of it slowly climbing towards my neck out of my head... Phobias suck. :(

              Friday, 13-May-11 22:33:12 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx they really do! I think I'm gonna cry SPIDERSSSS

                Friday, 13-May-11 22:34:30 UTC from web
                1. @celery Quick! Switch subject! Over to ponies! What program did you use when you drew the pony in your avatar?

                  Friday, 13-May-11 22:35:58 UTC from web
                  1. @flaxx Sai. it's my favorite program ever and alol I ever use. it makes me happy

                    Friday, 13-May-11 22:39:26 UTC from web
                    1. @celery Hm... I may have to check that out. Is it free? @extremedash Yeah, squids really suck.

                      Friday, 13-May-11 22:40:39 UTC from web
                      1. @flaxx not really. You can get the trial and try it out though. I cried when I tried it and the trial ran out. it was instand love. ... so I eventually got it! support the good things! even if you torrent at first, pay for it at one point

                        Friday, 13-May-11 22:41:56 UTC from web
                        1. @celery I think I'll try it out. I'm at their site right now.

                          Friday, 13-May-11 22:43:00 UTC from web
                      2. @flaxx their eyes are the size of a basket balls! That's bigger than my head!

                        Friday, 13-May-11 22:45:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                        1. @extremedash Yeah, that's pretty damn freaky. @retl I see what you mean. Joking around is way more difficult in text because you can't tell from facial expressions or from the way they talk if they're serious or not. That's happened lots and lots of times for me. It's especially difficult with people you don't know very well yet. But after a while you learn.

                          Friday, 13-May-11 22:49:11 UTC from web
                          1. @flaxx pretty damn freaky indeed

                            Friday, 13-May-11 22:53:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                            1. @extremedash bananas dude.

                              Friday, 13-May-11 22:55:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
                            2. @extremedash Why can't they just stay in the depths? I hate giant sea creatures. :(

                              Friday, 13-May-11 22:55:11 UTC from web
        2. @extremedash @flaxx For some reason I don't fear spiders nearly as much as I used to. My new fear is maggots.

          Friday, 13-May-11 22:27:33 UTC from web
    2. @celery yay another misspell to my name XD ( dont worry, its on purpose without the second "c" ) as for a poop smelling car... this works :D

      Friday, 13-May-11 22:22:16 UTC from web