

  1. Oh hey, turns out I bought enchiladas (not red ones, I'm not even sure what those would be) for tomorrow's dinner and then promptly forgot I had. :/ Ah well, at least I don't have to worry about what to eat tomorrow anymore. :)

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 20:30:14 UTC from IdentiCurse
    1. @spectrumscramble "not red ones" ;_;

      Sunday, 08-Apr-12 20:32:01 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada You're sad that I don't have plans to eat you for dinner? #

        Sunday, 08-Apr-12 20:34:16 UTC from IdentiCurse
        1. @spectrumscramble No, I wanted to be in your house. #

          Sunday, 08-Apr-12 20:35:03 UTC from web