

  1. !mnbronies Anyone like conventions? This summer the group is planning on attending a convention call CONvergence in Bloomington. Tickets before May will cost you $60. After May the price will be going up. Door tickets will cost you $100. Splitting a hotel room with 4-6 people will cost you around $60 as well. That will get you admission to the con and it's panels, room parties (with alcohol if you are of age and have a 21+ ID), and free food and snacks at all hours of the day, even the early morning. Hope to you some of you there.

    Monday, 09-Apr-12 01:44:49 UTC from web
    1. @shadowflame Think you might be able to set one up in the Duluth/twin harbors area? I want to go but I can't because I live in Hibbing. Also if you will set one up, ya think you might be able to lower the cost? My patents won't let me go to a convention that costs over 55$. One guideline tho if you are able to set this up. I have a summer cp that I go to every year and this year it's in July. June or august will work for me!

      Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 01:36:31 UTC from web
    2. @shadowflame One more question, because I might actually be able to go. I went on to the sight and I noticed there

      Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 02:26:30 UTC from web