

  1. I love how it seems that everyone who tries to take a peek into the brony culture finds themselves looking too closely and becoming one of us. lol

    Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:10:03 UTC from web
    1. @swampson It's the proximity effect! Get too close and you're pulled in.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:12:05 UTC from web
      1. @ickus Doesn't it ever bother you that none of us really know why we're so addicted? I mean I watch other shows because I enjoy the animation/art but, I can't get enough of this stuff.

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:13:37 UTC from web
        1. @swampson I know why. IT'S A GOOD SHOW :)

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:14:09 UTC from web
        2. @swampson Yeah - MLP has been an addiction more than any other show I've encountered. It's a way of life rivaling, and even surpassing Pokemon from some aspects.

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:15:27 UTC from web
          1. @haganbmj Wow, I hadn't even thought about comparing it to the Pokemon craze I had when I was younger. It's pretty close.

            Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:19:14 UTC from web
            1. @swampson It is, I think this might honestly be more addicting though. I was never as involved in the community with Pokemon.

              Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:20:14 UTC from web
              1. @haganbmj I was so deep into Pokemon, bro. SO DEEP!!! But yes, this show is more addicting in its own way.

                Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:21:46 UTC from web
                1. @zarkanorf Oh yeah - So much pokemon. Between the show and the games (card and video), I spent so much time and money on Pokemon related product.

                  Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:23:35 UTC from web
                  1. @haganbmj Same here, bro! I was pretty awesome when it came to the actual vidya games (my teams rocked hard!), but the cards I only collected.

                    Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:24:37 UTC from web
                    1. @zarkanorf I played local events and such for Pokemon - but after I moved away from the location I just lost interest. I never really got into competitive play with the video games though - wish I had.

                      Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:29:15 UTC from web
                2. @zarkanorf I guess I'm one of the few who never paid any attention to the pokeymans. I see a lot of parallels between MLP and PPG, though, and if Hasbro plays it right this show has the potential to blow gold all over the place for them. (I fear they won't, though, and that saddens me.)

                  Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:26:44 UTC from web
                  1. @starshine I think they're catching the hint ever so slowly, to be honest.

                    Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:28:30 UTC from web
              2. @haganbmj It's probably because back then the Internet wasn't anywhere near what it is today.

                Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:24:01 UTC from web
                1. @swampson Yeah the internet has done a lot for this kind of stuff.

                  Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:28:31 UTC from web
                  1. @haganbmj I think it has a huge, huge amount to do with the fact that the creators are actively involved with the fanbase. That's one of the things that really got my attention in the first place.

                    Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:30:00 UTC from web
                    1. @starshine Yeah - having so much connection to the community is great and really lends towards a social and active fanbase. I'm really impressed by the show, and it's staff, thus far.

                      Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:31:07 UTC from web
        3. @swampson For the first few episodes, I cared about my addiction. Now I let it roam freely, like a animal in its natural habitat!

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:15:47 UTC from web
        4. @swampson It's confused me too, but I blame Rainbow Dash, since she's so awesome. Also, holy cherries is she pairable. I swear, she's getting everypony.

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:18:28 UTC from web
    2. @swampson actually, i think it's pretty evenly distributed across the love-indifference-hate spectrum. you ever watch the Brony threads on /b/?

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:12:56 UTC from web
      1. @nightwillow Yeah, but I'm referring to those that come at it with a more objective point-of-view.

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:14:58 UTC from web