

  1. @ceruleanspark contributed to my english essay, I hope he feels accomplished. And yes, that is microsoft word 2000

    Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:22:31 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 Office 97 is best office.

      Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:23:11 UTC from web
    2. @purplephish20 Word 2000? Well, aren't we modern. I still have Word 97 installed. :P

      Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:23:17 UTC from IdentiCurse
      1. @bitshift - You may thank me later.

        Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:24:43 UTC from Choqok
        1. @omni Oh, I've had that for a while (and OOo before it). I'm just saying that the most recent MS Office I have installed continues to be 97. :P

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:11 UTC from IdentiCurse
        2. @omni >Inb4 you cause yet another flamewar, get angry, then offended, and then hate yourself and make a little number apologizing.

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:20 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos You know me so well already...

            Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:28:28 UTC from Choqok
            1. @omni You could say knowing that kind of thing is my job.

              Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:32:19 UTC from web
      2. @bitshift Brohoof! /)

        Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:25:09 UTC from web
    3. @purplephish20 Why are you using Office 2000 again?

      Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:23:41 UTC from web
      1. @scribble because when I got my laptop, I was very p155ed to find out it had no word program on it, i mentioned it, and my grandad gave me a copy of microsoft office 2000 he had laying around. as opposed to me spending like £60 for the new version

        Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:25:33 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 Couldn't you have just torrented, or used OpenOffice or something?

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:35 UTC from web
          1. @scribble you know it never actually crossed my mind to torrent it.... which is strange considering how much torrenting I actually do.......... £45 for Paint tool SAI? MY ARSE!

            Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:28:03 UTC from web
            1. @purplephish20 Obligatory;

              Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:30:12 UTC from web
              1. @scribble Obligatory

                Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:31:29 UTC from web
                1. @purplephish20 Oh my.

                  Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:32:54 UTC from IdentiCurse
        2. @purplephish20 Could've also used open office, or notepad+

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:49 UTC from web
    4. @purplephish20 which part?

      Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:24:25 UTC from IdentiCurse
    5. @purplephish20 Word 2007 FTW.

      Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:24:57 UTC from IdentiCurse
      1. @techdisk42 at least, on windows... naw, its the best PAID office program. the best OVERALL is libreoffice. :D I havent been brainwashed by Microsoft, Honest!

        Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:07 UTC from IdentiCurse
    6. @purplephish20 Statistically, essays submitted in fonts other than the standard times new roman tend to grade slightly higher. Might want to consider that.

      Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:25:29 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark a good font suggestion?

        Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:14 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 Any font that is fixed width.

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:54 UTC from IdentiCurse
        2. @purplephish20 Segoe, Tahoma, Helvetica or Georgia would be good choices.

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:26:56 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark @bitshift georgia it is

            Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:29:55 UTC from web
        3. @purplephish20 Comic Sans.

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:27:26 UTC from IdentiCurse
          1. @bitshift I wouldn't fail a student who submitted an essay to me in Comic Sans. I would, however, punch them in the junk.

            Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:28:23 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark Even if they were female?

              Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:28:47 UTC from IdentiCurse
              1. @bitshift Junk is not a gender specific term

                Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:29:19 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark I was not aware of that. I've only ever heard it applied to the less fair sex.

                  Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:29:56 UTC from IdentiCurse
            2. @ceruleanspark Fun thing: I use comic sans, size 16, [i][b]like this[/b][/i] on MSN and nopony ever complained about it. It amazes me to no extent.

              Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:38:55 UTC from web
        4. @purplephish20 But being serious, you can't go far wrong with Georgia, I reckon. :)

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:28:31 UTC from IdentiCurse