

  1. Has everypony heard Justin Bieber is now a Brony!

    Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:48:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @starlightbolt Interesting if true.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:49:46 UTC from web
    2. @starlightbolt ... okay? As long as he doesn't reveal himself, no one will care. We can have fun with im until he announces. xD It's jsut the internet and it makes no difference to me.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:50:39 UTC from web
      1. @celery They're calling a press conference for later today

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:54:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @starlightbolt okay, as long as he doesn't announce what the name of his ponysona and give a description, we're all good.

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:57:18 UTC from web
    3. @starlightbolt Holy murdock kill me now.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:50:48 UTC from web