

  1. Guys, Guys, it's just a person. Get over it. Besides, who would know? Admin or even flaxx could be beiber and we wouldn't know

    Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:54:39 UTC from web
    1. @celery He's you, isn't he? o_o

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:55:56 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin I hope not. but if he is, then DAMN that was on hell of a 19-year lasting hallucination!

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:59:39 UTC from web
    2. @celery ...We're all pretty calm...

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:55:56 UTC from web
    3. @celery I take offense to this. Actually, no I don't. What are we talking about?

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:57:04 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx Justin Bieber being a brony. Or is it Beiber?

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:57:56 UTC from web
        1. @moonprincess He too? *Sigh*

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:58:44 UTC from web
      2. @flaxx Evidently Beiber is a brony. All I'm saying is that it doesn't matter, and anyone here could be that aspecial brony. And as long as you don't say you are, we all continue being happy friends.

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:58:35 UTC from web
        1. @celery Got any proof for this?

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:59:06 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx @moonprincess *points at starbolt. she started this rumor

            Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:01:24 UTC from web
            1. @celery Oh. Bah, rumors.

              Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:02:29 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx Sorry I couldn't resist xp

                Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:03:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @starlightbolt Meh, it was pretty obvious.

                  Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:05:35 UTC from web
                  1. @flaxx meh it tricked a couple ponies

                    Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:09:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @starlightbolt But at what cost? AT WHAT COOOOOOST!? *Sob*

                      Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:10:28 UTC from web
                      1. @flaxx I know! the price was too great DX

                        Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:12:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @starlightbolt What're we gonna do now?

                          Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:13:42 UTC from web
        2. @celery It matters because Bieber/Beiber is TEH HORRORZ D;

          Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:59:50 UTC from web
          1. @moonprincess I like bacon

            Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:01:38 UTC from web
            1. @celery I like vegetarian bacon?

              Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:02:27 UTC from web