

  1. j/k on the Bieber everypony ;p

    Tuesday, 17-May-11 21:59:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @starlightbolt ...>:C

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:00:37 UTC from web
      1. @moonprincess Tehe tehe :D

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:01:55 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @starlightbolt No, I'm still fairly convinced he's @celery .

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:01:26 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin Thats probably true XD

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:03:12 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    3. @starlightbolt I knew you were joking :p But I really, really don't mind Bieber at all. He's just a kid doing what he loves, and actually is decent.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 22:01:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop